Our storys to be

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F.y.I this is the prolouge and itll kinda b long u can skip it if u want but this is how each M.A
(Main character) came to be.. well them.
P.S (Idk if its Jack real story buttt its tha one I wuz told soooooo p.m
Me if u know tha real story)
P.M-Private Message

Eyeless Jack
Jack was never one to have good vision, as he grew older it was worse everytime he looked at someone he saw them change and look as if someone poured acid onto them and they were melting.
Some people would have no eyes and a black thick substance would come out of their mouth and eyes as if their tounges and eyes had been pulled out.
He locked himself up his room not wanting to bear the torture of seeing the ones he loved and cared about in such state.
Sometimes past images woud come up and Jack would hallucinate, he clawed and tore at his eyes trying to get the images out.
Sometimes he'd even bleed.
One day a friend came in and gave him something no one had thought of.
A kidney.
It helped Jack forget and his vision to be normal, but soon Jack craved for the taste of kidney, and not any kidney.
Human kidney.
He killed when not being able to have more.
He needed more and more but the visions kept coming.
After murdering and eating his whole family and their kidneys he screamed with no trace of sanity left and tore his eyes out.
Even though it was incriminating pain he chuckled, and that chuckle turned into a giggle, and that giggle turned into histarical nonstop laughing.
And he became known as
Eyeless Jack
Next one :)

Bloody Painter
Helen was a quiet kid who loved to draw, but he never liked meddling in others businesses when he was not invloved.
Tom was constantly bullied, but for no reason.
One day Judy lost her watch.
"I need to find my watch, help me Ban".
Ban was Judys boyfriend and the one who started the fights.
Someone began searching through Helens bag and pulled out a watch with rinestones on it.
Helen looked up
"It wasn't me"
Judy snatched the watch
"Sure it wasn't"
By noon whispers had gone through the room and his nickname was
"The theif". He ignored these acustiations and continued his school life.
He never let his true feelings be known.
One day Ban came up and snatched Helens notebook in which he had some unfinished drawings.
Ban ripped them up and let them fall on the floor he smirked waiting for Helens reaction.
Helens snapped.
Out of anger he punched Ban and a fight occured.
Being in the small size he was, he lost other students in the end kicked him in the stomach or in the face.
They all scrambled back as the teacher walked in.
"Grear Otis! What happened Helen?" She yelped instantly noticing Helens bruises.
Some of the kids sent murderous looks to Helen and he gave a simple answer.
"I fell down the stairs Miss".
She accepted the answer and when he was at home and his parents asked the same questio later that night someone texted him on Facebook

?: Hi! Are you there ?
Helen: Who are you?
?: Im Tom your classmate.
This suprised Helen.
He and Tom had never really interacted before.
Tom: um....are you okay?
Helen: its none of your business
Tom types for awhile before finally sayin
Tom: Listen I know how you feel right now. Your in the sams situation I am. I really want to help you but i cant......sorry.
Tom and Helen typed for a a while before Tom finally told Helen to meet him ontop the schoold once school was over.
The next day Helen met Tom waving his hand
"Hey Tom what's up?
"Ummmm I have something to say.. something important" Tom became serious
"Remember that thieving incident"?
How could Helen not forget? Thats what started his suffering.
Helen nodded showing he remembered.
"I was the culprit"!! Tom looked down scared to look in Helen's eyes.
"What!" Helen was angry now all traces of a cheery mood gond.
"I stole Judy's watch and put it in your bag" Tom smirked
"With you as their new target of bullying my life is much better".
Helen grabs Toms collar of his shirt and after pushing around they end up at the roof.
Tom slips and falls off, Helen grabs for his hand but he slips as Tom falls he smiles
"Im sorry Helen"
When policemen arrive and question Helen he's to horrified to speak.
Some thought Helen was a murderer while others had seen him trying to grab Tom
At home Helen had curled up in his bedroom and was crying shivering with guilt.
Slowly those sobbs turned into cackling and wide maniac grin spread across his face.
"Tom payed his punishment......now the others need to be punished".

Ban and Judy had come up with a Halloween party but Helen wasn't invited

9:03- Judy: Who's going to tommorows party? Im so excited :D
9:03- Maggie: Most of our class will be there. But Iv texted Ban so many times and even though there all read but he never replies the hell wrong w/ him?

9:04- Judy: he's probably working

9:06-Maggie: Something weird is going on....Iv been hearing footsteps coming from my door 4 a long time...I think someone's walking around the dorm.

9:06- Maggie: Oh wait ill go check
(Uses keyhole and sees something strange)
9:07- Maggie: Oh my god!! theres a guy outside holding a knife and hesw wearing a mask and he's all bloody!!!

9:07-Maggie: F**k he's knocking on my door now

9:08-Judy: Just grab a weapon or something. PROTECT YOURSELF.

9:09-Maggie: Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Hes turning the doorknob good thing I locked it.

9:09-Maggie: Im scared
9:09-Judy: Maggie
9:09-Maggie: What should i do?
9:09-Judy: Maggie listen
9:09-Maggie: SAVE ME!!
9:09-Judy: Maggie calm down
9:10-Judy: Maggie?
9:11-Judy: R u there?

It shows Maggie saw Judys message but never got a response
Judy hears her door open but when she turns around she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. The same person came in and stabbed her
That night all the students in the dorm had been murdered no one knows who did it or how but the murderer used their blood to paint :) on the walls.
The supposed culprit Helen Otis is still missing.
However in Judy and Maggies chat room someone replied to Maggies message at 9:03

11:45-Judy: Dont be excited about the party Maggie :) because there is no tommorow.

Bloody Painter

2 down 4 2 go ;)

Jeff the killer
Jeff had just moved in to a new neighborhood and had gotten into a fight, his brother, Liu was sent to Juvy when he took the blame for Jeff almost killing 3 skateboarders.
They came back and almost killed Jeff.
Bleach and alcohol had been spilt on him and Randy
(One of the skateboarders)
Lit him afire.
Now at the doctors they took his bandages off his mother screamed when seeing him.
He was pale as if dead and his hair as if dyed was black.
"Its perfect" Jeff broke out into hysterical laughing.
That night
The mother woke up to someone sobbing or laughing?
Jeff was in the bathroom carving a smile on his face.
She screamed
"Jeff what are you doing"?
"I cant smile forever mommy it hurts after a while".
She noticed his eyes were black without pupils
"Arnt I beautiful mommy?"
"Y-yes let me go get daddy so he can see you".
She rushed to the bedroom and shook her husbands shoulder
"Honey get the gun we nee-"
The door creaked open and before death all they heard was
"Mommy you lied".
Before he killed everyone in the house.
Jeff the killer

Yall r probaly like begin the freakin story already so okay through the story ill explain the other storys these storys r not mine they r from Creepypasta.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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