Chapter 10

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"The sirens just went off," Maya turned to Liam, "are they really here?"

"I don't think there have been any false alarms," Liam says.

"Is Niall still in there ?" Layla swiftly glides the rusty back door open .

They surrounded the small born fire behind the lodge , throwing a piece of wood every once in a while to keep the flames alive.

"Where the hell is Rue!?" Harry appeared with an exasperated frown upon his forehead, pushing the ancient door even further. His frustration peeped in moments when he moved his jaw.
Everyone else just stared at him dumbfounded.

"The room, it's empty and the door is .. absolutely destroyed!"

"Maybe she's with Niall," Layla mumbled mindlessly.

"It was my mistake, I'm sorry. I locked the door , not realising .. I didn't want, you know for somebody to disturb her," Maya's words trembled out of her mouth , "Even her phone is in my possession, we need to find Niall."

"Where's Niall?" Liam asked with a bated breath .

"He's at the CAVE" Zayn chimed in, "He invited me too before he left."

"Great and the sirens are going off," Maya uttered sarcastically.

"Yeah what is that about?" Zayn questioned .

"Well these officers sent by the some superior authority ....they show up sometimes, very rarely and as you know they don't particularly like criminals ..."

"So.." he tried to interpret maya's words.

"So they kill them,pretty randomly . Every time they leave there's a lot of bodies to clean up."

"They just go in to shoot a bunch of guys because they don't like them, doesn't that make the criminals?" everyone silently listened , gathered around the fire to keep warm.

"Yes , that's probably how they make sure they're the biggest criminals and nobody crosses them." Maya answers .

Liam breaks the discussion "Harry you need to go there find Niall or Rue, if she's in there and I'll go look for her through the woods . If you find them come back here and I'll meet you in an hour."
He was always one to find order out of chaos. After his commands he exhales a worried sigh before turning to follow the blurry tracks into the woods.

Harry even with his height of boiling agitation decides to listen to Liam . He needs to get them out of there before one of them dies.

The soldiers will come in their altered masks marching and then slaughter or probably shoot bullets into their chest until their soul separates from body.

The woods don't scare him . He has been here before , he reminds himself .
Selfishness though a great live saver, lay beneath his desperation to get where his conscience took him.

Which is right in front of this mud mingled path.


"Harry !"Niall screams rushing out of the entrance, being crushed by others ahead.

Harry reached there in time he thinks . He lends him his hand and pulls him out but before the being could utter a word , "we need to get the fuck out of here,"Niall cries out.

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