Chunin Exams

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All the teams including team 3,9,8, &7 from the leaf joined together with the sand, stone, cloud & lodestone and other villages for part one of the chūnin exams

"Now then" the first examiner,ibiki spoke. "We will start the first test of the chūnin exams" he said "turn in your applications then take one of these number cards in exchange and sit in the seat matching that number"

Everyone did as told not long after finishing the first 9 questions members of the villages began using their jutsu's to cheat off other people

"You all recieved 10 points at the beginning of your test with each question you get wrong a point will be deducted "ibiki said.

Everyone grew more worrisome

As everyone began relying on others answers cheating off others sasuke grew worried about how naruto was doing on the test

"Rghhhhh, this is impossible" Naruto stressed in a loud whisper while clutching his hair in his hand
"Hn Naruto" Hinata said shyly."huh? HINATA WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?""you can copy off of me if you want..." she said tapping her pointer finger together nervously.

Naruto gave her a big smile slowly looking over to her paper
A leaf Shinobi launched a kunai at a leaf villager frightening him causing him to stand up

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR????" The leaf ninja shouted. "You made 5 fail" "N-no.."he said starstruck by the news

They dragged him out of the test room worrying everyone else with the sudden change

"Alright here's the 10th question" Ibiki spoke breaking the silence

"First you guys will have to choose...whether or not you want to take the 10th question if you choose not to take the chūnin exam then your score will be zero in other words you fail...and of course the same goes for the two other in the group.....however if you choose to take it and are unable to answer it correctly...then you will have to...relinquish your right of taking the Chūnin exams forever"

Everyone gapsed at the difficult choices they would have to make

"Raise your hand if you would like to give up on being a chunin"

"Forget it"

Some raised their hand others followed their teammates out the room

"Darn if I leave I'll be a genin the rest of my life!"

Sakura and sasuke watched from a distance as naruto stressfully thought about this predicament

"It's ok naruto raise your hand I understand" Sakura said "I'm sorry sasuke..."

She slowly began raising her hand but stopped when naruto began lifting his

As naruto raised his hand in mid air he slammed his palm against the desk and began shouting "don't underestimate me! I'll take it! I won't run! even if I get stuck being a Gemini forever! I will become homage no matter what it takes!
Everyone sat around watching as naruto spoke
"I'll ask again...,it's a choice that will alter your life"
"If you want to quit now is your chance" "I'm not going to take back my words"naruto said

"If you are still here...the first exam.....,you have passed" "the objective of the nine questions were already accomplished, to test your individual ability to gather information, in other words this exam was created under the premise that you all would cheat, those who cheated naturally were disqualified that's because...Information depending on the time and situation, will be more valuable than life in a mission or on the battle field"Ibiki said releasing his lead scarf from his head
Everyone stared at the scars he had

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