New dorm mates just great!

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Sonic POV
Why is she looking down cast is she avoiding eye contact?i sat down next to her and then i looked at her her eyes are still in down cast ARGGGHH!!

"Umm sonic is everything alright?"she asked and i noticed that my face was grumpy"oh umm yeh"i said

"Erm okay"she said and i remember something
I pushed sally of the bed and we both laughed

Wait its in the past so let it go i don't even like her anymore she's nothing like blaze

Blaze is kind caring cheerful and she's nothing like that

Blaze POV
Sonic is acting very weird lately i dunno why and the teacher bursted out the door and in the 2 classes we just take notes

And its culinary i sat next to shadow and i sat while holding the cake and the cupcakes "give it to me i'll hold it"he said gentle and i gently hand him the cake and he accidentally touch my hand and we blushed and

I just gave him the cake and the cupcake
"T-thanks"i said and put my hand in the arm chair

And the teacher bursted out the door
"Good morning class may i have your projects and you are dismissed"she said

And we gave our project and got to my dorm

I sit down in my bed and i wonder why is there a bed there and let me describe the other bed

Its little its yellow and my bed is bigger

KNOCK KNOCK!! I opened the door
And i saw a brown cat "hello i'm Nicole and i knew that you'r the princess nice meeting you Blaze"she said

"Oh nice meeting you too Nicole come in"i said and she came with her baggage

"Wow its beautiful"she said "are you my dorm mate?"i asked her "oh yes i am"she said

"Oh and you see that other little bed thats for Honey"she said and i looked at the black bed

And someone knocked "i'll get it"i said and opened it "hi Princess Blaze i'm Honey the cat "she said and she got in and sat in her bed

"So...we're all cats"i said "yeah"they said
(Oh yeah i forgot to tell you that Blaze has all the powers sorry😄)

And i get my sky blue notebook and heart shaped lilac pen with my telekinesis powers and the color of the glow is lilac also

"Wow you have powers!?"they asked "yeah i have all kinds"i said "wow"Nicole said
"I wish i could have powers like you"Honey said

"And your so rare no one has ever have all the powers"Nicole said

High School love story of silvaze shadaze sonazeWhere stories live. Discover now