Christmas Lights || Alexander Bublik

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Izzy could rant all day about how she loved December. White snow that hugged streets brightened up the world, making it look happier and much more vibrant despite the biting cold. Something about the little falling frost stars added magic to the atmosphere, almost putting the girl in a daze.

She loved the waking plants of Spring, she loved warm days of Summer, she loved the crunchy and colorful leaves of Autumn but the white powder and frost that decorated every single place around was what made her the happiest when it came to weather. Overall, what, or more like who, made her the happiest was sitting right beside her in the tram.

They got off when they arrived, and the man sighed, "That's a lot of people." He said, walking to the side and looking around. "Kinda looks like a train station."

Izzy smiled, "Well, Sasha Bublik, welcome to the city center!" She gestured to the surroundings. "The place you're looking at is the main interchange point between trams, often called A Unicorn Stable."

"Unicorn? Why?"

She smirked, "Look up."

When he did so, his eyes were met with a roof - but not an ordinary one. It was full of colors that formed numerous shapes, dancing above everyone. It might look silly to some at some times but then, the winter magic surrounded them which made Sasha marvel at it.

"Oh," he breathed out. "Wow. That's amazing."

"Yeah," she chuckled. "Reason one for unicorns, the roof looks as if one barfed at it." Izzy joked at which Sasha sent her a playful glare. "Come, now let me show you the second one."

She didn't have to say twice or drag him anywhere - Sasha was buzzing with excitement to see his girlfriend's country and almost-hometown.

They walked for a few seconds before Izzy stopped in front of their first destination and smiled proudly to the amused Alexander.

"Reason two, A Unicorn Monument."

The man laughed his signature laughter, "What the hell?"

He came closer to the statue, tracing it softly with his fingers. Izzy watched as he examined it closely, almost cracking up at how invested he was. But instead of making fun of him, she just waited, wanting him to take his time. It was almost adorable.

He snickered, "It's so ridiculous and dumb to have a unicorn monument in your main city point, yet I'm so in love."

"Yeah, I noticed," she said, and they both smiled at each other.

"He ain't got ass tho."

Izzy snorted out a surprised laugh, "Oh my fucking God." She said quietly, then switched to normal voice. "Yeah, and if we want to keep our asses, we gotta move, otherwise they gonna freeze in the cold."

And with that, hand in hand, they took off down the Piotrkowska's promenade.

Izzy never liked big cities and their overwhelming buildings, hovering over people and taking over every piece of the landscape. She was much more of a countryside person. But at that very moment, when she was looking around the street she couldn't help but fall in love with the sight. The illuminations almost hugged pedestrians, brightening up the path with numerous lights. It created such an eerie aura, it felt like a completely different world. Izzy felt as if she left her tennis player life somewhere behind, as if she walked through a portal when entering the promenade. She wouldn't be surprised if she crossed paths with a real fairy or a very much alive unicorn, casually taking a stroll. Even the squeeze Sasha gave her hand didn't wake her from the trance. When she locked eyes with him, she felt corners of her mouth lift up in a dreamy smile. She was glad she was there with him, the finally found true love.

A moment later, the couple arrived at their next destination which made Sasha gasp and Izzy smile widely.

"And so, the Christmas Market," Izzy introduced. "You can buy some regional cheese, snacks, sausages or handicraft, funny socks and a lot of other random stuff. Oh, and mulled wine!"

"Oh, that's intriguing," he nodded.

"Yeah, I bet it is," she snorted.

As they continued their stroll, they reached the Schiller Passage and Sasha gasped once again. "A giant reindeer made of lights! Is that the unicorn's friend?"

She laughed, "Only for Christmas, unfortunately."

"Bummer," he looked further. "Oh, a ferris wheel and a swing tower. Can we ride one of those?" He looked hopefully at his girlfriend.

She just shrugged, "Sure, if you want to."

"Don't leave me in charge of spending money, you know it's not gonna end well," he pointed a finger at her.

"I trust you, Sasha," she patted his chest.

"Literally, don't."

She just laughed wholeheartedly, "I'll tell you when to stop."

He nodded, "That works."

They planned to go on and either get on one of the attractions or buy something from the stands but the DJ located at the Passage started playing Perfect by Ed Sheeran and it was something Sasha couldn't resist. He stopped them suddenly and when Izzy looked at him questioningly, he just smiled dreamily and made her do a pirouette, and then held her close, swinging side to side. She laughed silently at how silly romantic he was but continued to swing with him, enjoying the moment and his presence. In this magical world, no one else mattered than them both.

"Darling, you look perfect tonight," he sang along the song before leaning in and kissing her lips lovingly.

Izzy was on cloud nine and never planned to come down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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