Chapter 9

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When Becky saw Sam on the roof, she was unhappy about it, considering Sam was still willing to protect a girl who was not at all beautiful. Not compared to her, that is. She turned and held a gun at Sam. Sam stopped in place and held up his hands to show that he would hurt no one.

"Sammy, I'm glad you're here!" Becky exclaimed. "Why don't you help me kill this girl, then you and I will be on our way,"

"Not happening," Sam said. "Becky, you are a nice girl, but if you kill me or Sarah with that gun, what will you accomplish?" he continued. "You won't accomplish anything. In fact, I think it would cause more harm to you than you think." Sam was, in fact, doing his best to distract Becky and made eye contact with Sarah. If they were to take Becky down, they had to do it together. As if understanding what Sam was trying to do, slowly, Sarah walked toward Becky and the minute she got close to her, she took the chance and pushed Becky off the roof. Thinking that it put an end to her, Sarah ran over to Sam as the two hugged.

"Tell me it's over," Sarah asked, her stomach in complete knots.

"I hope so, come on," Sam responded and got Sarah down from the roof. He climbed onto her balcony first and helped get Sarah down. They entered her room and hugged each other, thinking that it was over. However, on the roof, Becky was holding on to the roof tightly as she landed right back on the balcony. The minute she looked into the room, she saw that Sarah and Sam were kissing and hugging. Disgusted by what she was seeing, Becky searched for something that could help her, even though she had lost her gun. There was over one way to kill someone. Becky looked over and saw a poker. Picking the poker up, she ran at Sarah and stabbed her in the stomach, forcing Sam and Sarah to pull away. "No, Sarah?!" Sarah looked down at her stomach and saw the poker protruding from her stomach. She gasped and fell back, her mouth filled with blood at the same time Becky pulled the poker from Sarah's stomach.

"Now that she's out of the way, guess it'll be you and me," Becky said. Sam's hands clenched into fists. It had been clear that he was angry at Becky for doing it. Becky had no right to barge into the cottage and stab someone he truly cared about.

"You bitch," Sam said and turned toward Becky. "How dare you treat someone like that?!" he yelled, as Sam's reaction took Becky aback. She backed away. This hadn't been what she was expecting. She expected Sam to be grateful that he was saved from this woman, but that wasn't the case. Becky backed away until her back was against the railing.

"Sam! She's a fucking monster!" Becky yelled. "How could you love someone who kept you hostage?! If I hadn't saved you, you would have been dead!"

"There is more to her than looks, you asshole," Sam said. "Which is something that you need to work on," he continued. "Looks don't make you who you are, what you do will show your true colors, and whom you care about," He continued. "And that person isn't me. You need to get a life and find something else to do." Sam turned to run back to Sarah, only for Becky to grab Sam's hand and try to pull him back. "Let go!"

"NO! You're mine! No one else's!" Becky yelled, but with one quick movement, Sam pulled his arm free but accidentally pushed Becky off the balcony. Becky yelled in fear as she hit the hard ground. Knowing that Becky was off his back, he ran to Sarah and kneeled by her. Tears brimmed the corner of his eyes as he wanted desperately for her to be alive.

"Sarah?" Sam said sadly. "You can't leave me," he continued. "I know that how we met before was a bad meeting, but after spending so much time here, I realized you are probably the best thing that's happened to me, aside from my brother," he kept going. "I don't want you to die! I wasn't sure about it before, but I realize that I truly love you and that nothing can stand in our way!" Castiel had arrived at the scene and heard everything that Sam was saying. The curse had meant that if Sarah would love someone and gain that same person's love, then the spell over her would be broken. Castiel made the rose stop wilting as it floated carefully back to the stem and with a snap of his fingers, the rose exited the casing and surrounded Sarah. Confused, Sam stepped back and saw that Sarah's wound was healing and her dark brown hair appeared unsure about how to react. Sarah gasped and opened her eyes. Everything that she was originally had disappeared and revealed who she truly was. And she truly was beautiful.

"Sarah?" Sam said, surprised, as he helped her stand.

"Sam?" Sarah said. "What happened?"

"Becky stabbed you, but I don't know how," Sam responded. "But your wound is gone and well.."

"What?" Sarah questioned.

"Look in the mirror," Sam answered simply. Sarah walked over to her mirror that was present in her room and saw that she no longer had hideous features. In fact, she saw she was back to being herself. Words could not describe what she was looking like, and she was happy. Plus, she had forgotten what she looked like after ten long years of being trapped in a ghastly body.

"I'm back?" Sarah said and turned toward Sam. "Sam! I'm back!" Sarah rushed to Sam and hugged him tightly. "I can't believe after ten long years, I don't know how I should even react," Sam laughed and kissed Sarah on the lips to tell her to be quiet. Sam pulled away.

"Were you ever gone?" Sam asked. "Come on, let's see my brother,"

"Yes, let's," Sarah answered. "I want to apologize to him for the way I acted." Sarah and Sam walked out of the cottage and walked back into town to see Dean, who was in the hospital.

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