"Did you hit your head?"

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"You guys will be the reason I die and I'd never want it any other way" - Parker Reid

"Ms.Reid, what is the answer? Ms. Reid? Wh- Would someone wake her up." Mrs. Simpson stood at the front of the room in utter annoyance. Slater slapped the back of his friends neck to which, she jolted awake.

"Ow!" The short tempered girl looked over at Slater as he just waved and smiled. She turned back to the front and saw the question that was proposed to her. "It's a hyperbole,ma'am."

"Thank you, Parker. I wish all my students could fall asleep in class and still listen."

"It's a gift, ma'am." She smiled proudly.

"Yeah, and her cockiness is a curse." Zack muttered.  Parker usually ignored his antics but today, she decided that stomping on his foot would give her more satisfaction.

"Ow! Priss." He remarked.

"Jerk." She shot back. She listened for more,but heard nothing. She smirked for she was once again victorious in one of their arguments.

"Ok, now for your homework-" she was cut off by bell before she could finish her sentence. "Oh, never mind, have a wonderful day everyone!" Everyone stood up and left the classroom flooding the halls.

They all met with their friends.  "Who won today?" Lisa asked.
"I did, of course." Parker bragged. She looked at Zack who was behind leaning up against a locker. "Isn't that right,kid?" She teased.  Zack looked down at the girl "Kid? I'm older than you, and taller than you. If anything you're the kid."

"Ok, whatever you say...kid." Just seconds later Parker was down the hallway with her friends just to make sure she had the last word.

"You know slater, That girl really knows how to push my buttons." Zack leaned his back on the locker.

"Yeah, because you let her." Zacks jaw dropped at the words that had just came from his friends mouth.
"I don't let her, she just does." He defended.

"Well, yeah but you don't stop her."

"Yeah? What am I supposed to do Slater?" He asked.

"Just do what I do, put her in a head lock." Slater laughed at his friend standing is complete disbelief.

"She's a chick, I can't do that."

"She's not a chick, it's Parker, just push her around a little, show her who's boss." He suggested.

"Yeah, yeah! You're right, I'm gonna show her who's boss." Zack smiled proudly as the bell rang and he ran to class.

He walked into class and spotted Parker.

"Show her who's boss,yeah." He whispered to himself. He walked by her desk and pushed her book off of it. He looked down at her as she just looked up at him unimpressed. She leaned over and picked it up and placed it back on her desk. He chuckled a bit and took his seat.

"Bozo." She whispered.

Parker and Zack had best friends since kindergarten but have always argued a bit. They seemed to be a bit mean to eachother but, they were actually really close.

She looked up at the front of the room to see a substitute teacher and she sighed in relief. She sat back in her seat and closed her eyes, but her eyes soon shot open to the sound of a chair being dragged next to her desk. She turned her head to see Zack pulling up a chair.


"Yes,Parker." He smirked.

"Did you hit your head?" She asked.

"Nope, I'm perfectly fine."

"Okay-.. you're acting weird." She raised and eyebrow at him.

"Weird? Nope, not acting at all, Parker." He put his hands behind his head whole resting his feet on her desk. She looked at him for a minute then pushed his legs off her desk and he fell off his chair.

"Hey! Parker!" She ignored him. "Hey I'm talking to you." No response. "Ok, you know what? Come with me. "

"No." She said.

Zack grabbed her hand and started dragging her to the front.

"Hey let me go, Zack!" She yelled.

"Hi, mr.substitute, can we go work in the hallway, we have a project to work on." Zack asked politely.

"No we don-" before she could finish speaking, Zack grabbed her and pulled her into his chest muffling her speaking.

"I don't see why not ." The teacher smiled at Zack as he pulled Parker into the hallway.

She pushed herself off of him.
"Why are we out here?" She asked angrily.

"Because, I'm not letting you push my buttons anymore."

"Oooo, I'm shaking." She mocked. "What is up with you today? You're so weird." She rolled her eyes.

He stood there for a moment with nothing left to say, he shook off the weirdness that came over him and returned to normal- well as normal As you can get with him
"by the way, do you have the math homework by any chance." He smiled nervously.

"You are so exhausting, Zack Morris." She let out an airy laugh as she grabbed his hand leading him back into the classroom to give him the answers for the math homework.


Parker sat outside her locker while adding detail to a very poorly drawn face right before the bell rang for her lunch period.

"Hey, Park, we're going to the max for lunch, you coming?" Kelly asked.

"Sure, why not." Zack reached our his hand to help her up and he dragged her up from the floor, and nearly flung her into a locker.

"You're supposed to be helping me up, not trying to kill me." She joked.

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