"Im fine with that"

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"Do you know how actually irritating you are, Morris?"

"Yes. You tell me everyday.
-Zack and Parker

Parker walked out of the locker room where she was greeted by he blonde haired friend.

"So you did come." He smirked.

"Obviously." She answered.  They walked side by said as they exited the school.

"I thought you would never be a cheerleader." He teases. She glared at him and rolled her eyes.

"Not by choice. I was practically forced." She added.

"Yeah right. Nice sequins." He chuckled. She likes around till she looked down at her bag.

"Thanks." She said plainly.

"You still buy things with sequins?" He joked.

"It's from seventh grade. I don't wanna hear it."

"So...how'd it go?" He asked the girl.

"Pretty well I think. I cannot believe I let you guys talk me into this!" She groaned as she threw her head back.

"Hey,you're a natural. It would be a shame if we didn't talk you into it." He reasoned.

"Yeah right. Let's go to the max." He agreed and they walked side by side to the max. They walked in to see Slater, Jesse and Screech already sat at their usual table.

"There's the little cheerleader!" Slater cheered.

"Stop." She said as her face turned red. "We don't even know if I made it or not."

"Oh please. You really think Lisa and Kelly wouldn't give you a spot?" Jesse asked.

"No, I guess not." She say down and they ordered.

Not too long later in walked Lisa and Kelly. They sat down with the rest of them. Kelly smiling from ear to ear and Lisa looking at her nails.

"So, did Parker make the team?" Screech asked eagerly.

"We can't tell you till the list comes out." Lisa explained.

"That's fine. I get it. It's only fair if you-" Parker was soon cut off by Kelly exclaimed that she did make the team.

"Kelly!" Lisa lectured.

"I'm sorry! I was just so excited. I had to tell her!" She explained.

Although she tried to contain it, Parker began to smile. She was thrilled that she had made the team.

"Alright! Go Park!" Zack cheered.

"Lunch is on us!" Slater insisted.

"I'm fine with that." Parker said. Although Parker was all for Feminism, and was all for women being independent and all, she would never say no to a guy buying her lunch.

The crew hung out at the max before all going to Parker's. They walked down the road and walked all the way to Parker's place. They walked in and sat down in her living room. They put on the tv and started watching a movie.

Parker eventually fell asleep while watching the movie and was woken up by a flash in her face. She opened her eyes to see Lisa gawking at the sight. At first Parker was confused till she looked up. She looked up to see Zack and finally understood. Her and Zack had fallen asleep on eachother. The group always teased the two about how they were meant for eachother. Parker always argued back with them and insisted it would never happen. Zack on the other hand would just sit back and watch it happen

"So cute!" Lisa gawked.

"No, not cute!" Parker argued. "Give me that!" She tried to grab the photo from her but she pulled it away.

"Come on, park. Just admit it. You guys are in love!" Slayer teased.

"That's a lie." She bantered back. "Tell 'em Zack."

"Cant argue with the truth. You are most definitely in love with me." He teased.

"Wow. You're optimistic, aren't you?" She insulted. "I'd rather be six feet under than be in love with you."

"Damn, park." He put his hand over his heart. "That hurt.."

"Good!" She bang to chase Lisa around the house as she laughed while holding the picture in the air.

After the gang had left Parker laid down in her bed and began to think about what had happened that day. So much. She got reunited with her first love. Well, kind of. A variation of her first love. She was actually kinda excited to begin cheerleading. Since her accident, she had been so afraid of getting back out there. But she was quite happy that she did. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would be.

At some point in the evening she got bored and decides to go to the gymnasium. It settled her mind when she was tumbling. It was her therapy. She got her shoes on and walked to the gym. She walked in and dropped her stuff off in the locker room and started to flip. Handsprings,tucks,jumps,leaps. Anything gymnastics related, she did it. She glanced over at the beam, as she did, she heard the faint echo of the ambulance sirens that blasted in her ears when she has been rushed to the hospital many years ago. She shook her head and resumed her tumbling. Maybe another day she would make her way back on beam, but not that day. The fear in her was still too great to even consider getting back up on there. So for the time being. She would stick to cheer instead.

Walking home that night had her feeling as if everything was so surreal. If she could go back and tel her younger self that she would be back out there, she wouldn't believe herself. Not one bit. Infact she would have probably begged herself not to in fear that she would re-injure herself. And she was honestly still afraid of that, but she was already too far into the game to even think about backing out. So she just had to go through with it and hope for the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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