~Chapter 2~

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Walking down the sidewalk I looked at everything that's around "Its always so beautiful here in Japan!" I said to no one since Olive went back to my apartment "Can't say that's a lie" someone said from behind me, I turned around to be met with a familiar black-haired guy with grayish eyes Its none other than Miku Takehashi, "Ohayo Takehashi-kun, are your heading to Sakura High too?" I said to him I stopped walking a minute ago when I heard him talk earlier "Ohayo Hagihara, and yea I'm heading to Sakura High" He said back to me "ah I see...hey Takehashi-kun! do you think Yoshiwa-san and Kobayashi-san are also going to attend Sakura high?" I asked hoping they will attend Sakura High so the 4 of us don't need to worry about anything "Hmmm...I don't know Hagihara but if they are attending Sakura High too I got some clovers in my bag" He said 'Are you going to eat that again when Kobayashi-san hasn't ate anything yet and she gets hungry?" I asked him, He chuckles at what I said "haha yea I am" He said.

We continued talking and walking and after a few more minutes of walking we finally made it to Sakura High and I noticed two familiar girls one of them had a black-ish blue hair that's in a wolf cut she also had black eyes (Yoshiwa-san) and the other has red long hair with brown eyes (Kobayashi-san) "Hey look its Yoshiwa-san and Kobayashi-san! their attending Sakura high too!" I exclaimed to Takehashi "Where?" He asked I pointed to where Yoshiwa-san and Kobayashi-san is at.

"Takehashi! Hagihara! over here!" Yoshiwa-san yelled towards us while waving her hands "Come on Takehashi-kun! their calling for us already!" I said while grabbing Takehashi-kun's wrist and dragging him to where Yoshiwa-san and Kobayashi-san is at.

"Ohayo Yoshiwa-san!" I said "Ohayo Hagihara" Yoshiwa-san greeted "Ohayo Kobayashi-san" "Ohayo Hagihara and Takehashi" Kobayashi-san greeted "I didn't know you guys will be attending Sakura High too!" I said at the coincidence that just happened right now "Such a coincidence" Takehashi-kun "Yea I agree" Kobayashi-san and Yoshiwa-san both said at the same time "Do any of you know where the...social studies class is?" Takehashi-kun asked the three of us "I'm in that class too, but I have no clue where it is" Yoshiwa-san said "Kobayashi?Hagihara? do any of you two know where the social studies class is?" Takehashi-kun asked me and Kobayashi-san "Same class as you two but no I have no clue, we are new students here soo...none of us asked if we can explore the school?" Kobayashi-san asked but I was too distracted to hear what she said Yoshiwa-san and Takehashi-kun both shook their heads to Kobayashi-san's question "Hagihara, how about you?" Takehashi-kun said "huh? what?" I said snapping out of my daze "ah..gomen but I got distracted...what did you guys said again?" I asked while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Do you know where the social studies class is at Hagihara? so the three of us can go there since its the first period we have to attend" Yoshiwa-san explained to me "ah same class as mine too...I guess social studies is the first period we all have to attend but no...I don't know where its at" I said to the three of them "How are we going to social studies class if we don't even know where its at!" Kobayashi said "Let's just ask someone" Takehashi-kun suggested "alright then go ask one of the students here then Takehashi" Yoshiwa-san said "What? why me? it should be Kobayashi!" Takehashi-kun said "Your the one who suggested it! so you should ask!'' Kobayashi-san yelled at Takehashi-kun "The fuck?! I just suggested it I didn't said I will ask!" Takehashi countered "And there they go fighting about it..." Yoshiwa-san said sighing at the two.

Meanwhile I was trying to see if I could find someone who I could ask for help "Are you a new student here?" I heard a female voice behind me, I turned around and saw a girl with shoulder length light pink hair she had ruby red eyes and a kind smile on her face "oh uhm...hai! me and my friends are new here!" I said "Pfft- HAHAHAHAHAHA do you really have trouble talking to new people?" Harm's voice echoed in my mind but I decided to ignore him "Oh I see, so where are your friends right now?" She asked still smiling sweetly "Oh their somewhere behind me earlier, but uhm can I know what's your name actually?" I said not really knowing what else to say "You can call me Yuki, I'm a second year here in Sakura High" She said "Is it alright if I call you Yuki-senpai?" I asked her "Sure whatever your comfortable in calling me, how about you what's your name?" She asked me and I just remembered that I haven't told her my name yet "ah right! I'm Hagihara Ichika! I'm a first year along with my friends" I told her.

After we introduced ourselves to each other I asked her if she knows where the social studies class is and she did she was also willing to help us find it if that was our case, I found the others again and introduced them to Yuki-senpai and told them she was a second year.

After Yuki-senpai showed us where social studies class is the four of us thanked her, We went inside the class and at the exact time the teacher was explaining that there would be 4 new students "Everyone today we have four new students, oh and here they are now" The teacher said "Why don't you four introduce yourselves" The teacher added.

"Konnichiwa, Hajimemashite, Kobayashi Mizuki desu" Kobayashi-san introduced herself first.

"Konnichiwa, Hajimemashite!, Yoshiwa Yurina desu!" Yoshiwa-san introduced herself after Kobayashi-san.

"Konnichiwa, Hajimemashite, Takehashi Miku desu" Takehashi-kun introduced himself in a bored-like voice

Ohayo minna-san! Hajimemashite! Hagihara Ichika desu" I introduced myself in a cheerily voice trying to make everyone feel comfortable around us I can also feel Kobayashi-san, Yoshiwa-san and Takehashi-kun's eyes on me, they must be questioning on how was I so cheerful on introducing myself since I'm never like that "You four can go to those empty seats in the middle row" The teacher said pointing to the four empty seats on the middle row just like what he said "Alright Sensei!" I said still in a cheerful voice, I walked towards one of the empty seats I sat in the empty seat where beside the empty seat where the window is at, Takehashi-kun took the empty seat that has the window view beside me and Kobayashi-san sat on the empty seat on my right, Yoshiwa-san took the last empty seat beside Kobayashi-san.

~Timeskip to the end of school since my brain can't think of any more scenes for the school parts~

"High school didn't seem that bad right guys?" Kobayashi-san asked the three of us while we're all walking out of the school building "Yea I agree its not that bad, but it is the first day of high school so we shouldn't bring our hopes up" Yoshiwa-san said and we all nodded "Hey, anyone want to hang out first?" Kobayashi-san asked us three "Yea we should! but where should we go?" I asked her "I haven't thought about that yet actually" Kobayashi-san replied "Hey Hagihara, didn't you said you live in a apartment?" Takehashi-kun said "Hai, I live in a apartment by myself now, why did you ask Takehashi-kun?" I said, Takehashi-kun stopped walking which made the three of us stop walking too "Why don't we stay at your place first Hagihara, If your fine with it" He said, so that's why he asked me if I live in a apartment "Well I'm fine with that! How about Kobayashi-san and Yoshiwa-san? are you guys down on staying at my apartment for now?" I asked Kobayashi-san and Yoshiwa-san they looked at each other before answering "Uh Hagihara how far is your apartment?" Kobayashi-san asked me "Its not that far don't worry! Its just a few minute walk" I replied back to what Kobayashi said "Do you have snacks?" Yoshiwa-san asked me I just nodded "Alright I'm down! And its also a good way to hang out together again!" She said "Yoshiwa is right we all have been trying to plan a day where we all meet up at a place and hang out just the four of us, remember?" Kobayashi-san said "Alright you guys let's go! just follow me" I said to them.

We all continued walking the three of them following me so they don't accidentally get lost with our little group "Hagihara are we close to your apartment yet?" Kobayashi-san asked "Almost close, why did you ask Kobayashi-san?" I said "ah..well..I'm kinda getting hungry" She admitted and I just chuckled at what she said "Don't worry Kobayashi-san we're almost close to the apartment building and I have some snacks in my apartment you can just grab one there and make yourself at home" I said cheerfully while skipping like a child "Arigato Hagihara" Kobayashi-san said "Dou itashimashite!" I said.

It was quiet again while we we're walking not until we hear a sound of a chip bag being open I looked around the four of us and noticed that Takehashi-kun was eating Clovers "Mmmm~ these are really good!~" Takehashi-kun said in a teasing voice and he was looking at Kobayashi-san "Takehashi o damare!" Kobayashi-san said angrily towards Takehashi-kun "Takehashi-kun stop that, and there's no need to get mad Kobayashi-san cause we're already here!" I said to all of them which made them look.

"Woah is this the apartment building where you live?" Yoshiwa-san asked "Mhm!" I replied to her "The walls are a nice light blue and the door is white! its even..how tall is this Hagihara?" Kobayashi-san also asked "Its a 4 story apartment building! oh and my apartment's room is on the 3rd floor" I told them, They we're looking at the apartment building for a minute before one of them spoke up "Stop staring at the building you two and let's go, my legs hurt from walking already" Takehashi-kun complained I laughed at how sometimes he can be so straightforward about what he's going to say "Come on you two just like what Takehashi-kun said you guys should stop staring at the building and let's go inside, I'll make us some snacks if you guys want" I said to Kobayashi-san and Yoshiwa-san, They stopped staring and started following me inside the apartment building.

After reaching the 3rd floor I started looking looking for my apartment's keys in my bag "What are you doing Hagihara?" Yoshiwa-san asked me I looked up to face all of them "Oh I'm just finding my keys to open the apartment" I replied to her question "Have you check the front of your bag yet Hagihara?" Takehashi-kun asked "No I haven't yet.." I replied honestly, I checked the front of my bag and found my keys there "Oh- found them! Let's go now" I said, walking down the halls looking for my apartment's door I stopped in front one of the doors and inserted the key in.

"Tadaima!" I said once I opened the door "Hagihara I thought you live by yourself here? do you have a roommate or something?" Yoshiwa-san asked in a confused tone "She says she 'sees' things we cannot, remember?" Takehashi-kun said unimpressed, I noticed everyone's eyes went a little wide once they heard the door open and footsteps that was getting closer towards us.

"Ichika's back! Ichika's back! Ichika's back!" Eve said while running towards the four of us and jumping into my arms "You seem happy to see me Eve, did you all miss me already?" I said while hugging Eve in a warm embrace Eve simply nodded "Who are they?" Eve asked pointing at Takehashi-kun, Kobayashi-san and Yoshiwa-san "Those are my very close group of friends, the ones who I talked about to you guys" I explained to Eve "Hagihara..." I heard Kobayashi-san say my name "Hai?" I said in a calm voice "How are you able to understand what she's saying?" Kobayashi-san asked me a hint of fear present in her voice "Oh my..I forgot that Eve speaks in my mind so I'm the only one who can hear her, well not only me actually even the others" I said casually Eve still in my arms "Can she talk or something?" Takehashi-kun asked I simply just shook my head "She's mute, The only reason I could hear her is because we found a way for her to talk and that's in my mind" I simply explained to them.

"Come in come in, just sit on the couch over there in the living room and I'll fix us some snacks!" I said "Oh! and Eve sweetie could you please close the door?" I added Eve just nodded and went to close the door "Let's go Yoshiwa and Takehashi" Kobayashi-san said to the two and they both followed her to where my living room is at "Eve would you like to help with grabbing some snacks for us?" I asked Eve "Mhm! Me and Lucy even made cupcakes earlier! can we give those cupcakes to your friends too?" Eve said I lightly chuckled and pat Eve's head "Ofc now let's go over to the kitchen now, shall we?" I said to Eve and we both went to the kitchen to get some snacks.

"Alright let's see...we got some cupcakes, chips, soda, popcorn cause why not and some-" before I finish checking all the snacks I'm going to bring to the living room I heard Yoshiwa-san screaming "Stay here in the kitchen Eve I need to check why Yoshiwa-san was screaming, ok?" I said looking back at Eve she just nodded so I rushed over to the Living room to see what is happening there "Is everything alright there?!" I yelled out to them, once I reached the living room I saw Kobayashi-san and Yoshiwa-san standing on the couch and Takehashi-kun just calmly sitting on one of the bean bags I had there "Shiniso! Shiniso! Shiniso! Shiniso!" Yoshiwa-san yelled over and over again "Hagihara! There's a snake in your apartment!?" Kobayashi-san yelled "ehh dokode?" I asked I don't remember seeing a snake here in my apartment except when Shift and...Shape..turn into an animal...oh no..

"The snakes over there" Takehashi-kun said in a bored tone while pointing at the snake I moved closer to the couch and saw a familiar black snake..I sighed and went closer to it "Hagihara don't get close to the snake!!! Its venomous!!" Yoshiwa-san yelled at me in a somewhat very high pitched voice "Calm down Yoshiwa-san and Kobayashi-san" I said in a soothing voice to try to calm them down.

I picked up the ''snake'' and let it slither itself around me "This is Shift they have a twin and their name is Shape, both of them are very mischievous and likes to pull pranks on people who visits my apartment for the first time" I explained to Yoshiwa-san and Kobayashi-san "Huh nice" Takehashi-kun said and Shift slithered down from my arms to the ground and started slithering towards Takehashi-kun "It seems like Shift has took an interest in you Takehashi-kun, must be because you we're quite calm when you saw Shift as a black snake" I said while smiling "Naruhodone" Takehashi-kun simply replied Yoshiwa-san and Kobayashi-san both weren't standing on the couch anymore and we're now watching Shift who was slithering on Takehashi-kun's arm "Takehashi-kun I suggest you put Shift on your lap" I said "Why?" Takehashi-kun said in a confused voice "You'll see why" I said, Takehashi-kun put Shift on his lap and looked at me "Now what?" He said "Shift turn into a neko!~" I said in a sing song voice "What?" Takehashi-kun said and looked down on his lap to see that a black snake no longer is on his lap but a black cat.

"How did that thing do that Hagihara?!" Yoshiwa-san said in disbelief "Like I said earlier they can turn to anything, they mostly turn into a human or an animal of their choice" I explained once again "Ichika you left the snacks in the kitchen" I heard Olive say behind us I turned around to se the familiar tall black figure with olive green eyes holding the some of the snacks I left in the kitchen I also noticed that Eve was standing beside him holding the other snacks "Oh my I almost forgot about the snacks! silly me you two can put those snacks on the table over there" I said while pointing at the table that's in front of the couch "Understood" "okay Ichika!" They both said and walked over to the table "Calm down Kobayashi-san and Yoshiwa-san they won't hurt you unless I say so and I would never want anyone to hurt you guys, anyways I'll be back I need to get the cupcakes and the soda cans on the kitchen first, Takehashi-kun you can ask Shift to turn into anything you want!! you got my permission" I said while walking away from the three to get the cupcakes and soda cans in the kitchen counter "Wait for me Ichika! I want to bring the cupcakes over here to your friends!" Eve said while running towards me "Alright Eve you can bring the cupcakes to them but be careful to not accidentally trip, ok?" I told Eve and she just nodded.

"Kobayashi please tell me I'm not crazy and you saw that too.." Yoshiwa-san said to Kobayashi-san still thinking if she actually just lost it "Nope your not crazy...I saw it too" Kobayashi-san said to Yoshiwa-san "You two calm down already we know that Hagihara is sometimes weird already, but we now know that if she ever mentions one of them to us then she's not lying cause the three of us just saw it with your own two eyes" Takehashi-kun said in a monotone voice while looking at Shift who is a black cat right now staring at him "So you can turn into anything huh?" Takehashi-kun said towards Shift like their gonna say something Shift (who's still a black cat) nodded at what Takehashi-kun just said "Can you turn into me then?" Takehashi-kun said while smirking thinking Shift can't, Shift jumped off of Takehashi-kun's lap and landed on the ground Shift then faces Takehashi-kun and starts growing taller and is now looking more human Takehashi-kun who was watching what was happening in front of him stared in awe at Shift.

"We're back you guys! We have the cupcakes and soda with us now" I said and put the soda on the table while Eve also did the same thing with the cupcakes "guys?" I said and looked up to see why they weren't responding, I noticed another figure that looks exactly like Takehashi-kun was there and Kobayashi-san and Yoshiwa-san are looking at it "They look exactly like you Takehashi!" Yoshiwa-san said "Yea i agree with Yoshiwa!" Kobayashi-san said the other Takehashi-kun turned around and faced me smiling "Takehashi-kun did you told Shift to turn into you?" I asked "Yea I thought they won't be able too, guess I was proven wrong" Takehashi-kun said "You know Shift almost looks exactly like you except that his Sclera is pitch black and he doesn't have an iris or pupils" I said pointing out the difference "Hagihara is right but if its eyes are the same as Takehashi then we won't even be able to tell the difference between them!" Yoshiwa-san exclaimed in awe.

I chuckled at the comments they have said "Ichika here are the clothes they can change into" I heard a voice behind me say I turned around and saw Shadow standing there holding three different clothes "Arigato Shadow" I said taking the clothes from Shadow's hands they simply just nodded and disappeared after that Hey guys! you should change into these clothes first than continue wearing our uniform" I said they all faced me and eyed the clothes I was holding "Where did you get those clothes from Hagihara?" Kobayashi-san asked pointing at the clothes I'm holding "You guys don't need to know where I got these, but here these are all in your sizes!" I said giving them the right clothes "Takehashi-kun you can change in the bathroom over there, Yoshiwa-san and Kobayashi-san you guys can change in my room right over there and I'll just change in Eve's room, Eve wouldn't mind it since she stays in the balcony the most and only goes to her room when she's going to sleep or she's going to take a nap" I said.

Word count: 3,461
Chapter 2 done!

Don't forget to tell me if there's any grammar mistakes!

I hope you like this chapter Reader-san!

See you in the next chapter!Sayonara~

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