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Elyna was a shy girl, all throughout her life she was always referred to as the eldest, the serious one. She wasn't the smartest one in her class, but at least she studies hard the day before the test, and get good scores. Unfortunately, her math and science grades always pull her worth.

Upon seeing the white card, her eyes would always squint in horror as her finger goes down the columns, then, her parents pat will soothe her shoulder, but as the clasps loosen, she knew they were a bit disappointed, shaking their heads in the slightest manner as they walk away. 

Her friends were all temporary. She jumped from one group to the next, no one seemed to take an effort to know her better. She would laugh and eat ice cream with a group of girls, then eat lunch with the other. Her lunch buddy was temporary as well, but at least she never eats alone. No one eats alone in her all girl school. She was grateful about it. 

Having girls as her classmates seemed to calm and annoy her at the same time. Upon entering the classroom, all gals seemed to be separated into groups, the nerds, the cool, the elites, and the average ones.  The it girls annoyed her a lot, the way they dominated all discussions and recitations was getting on her nerves, these girls go together like a pack of wolves, and it scares her. Their judging eyes scared her the most.

One time, when it was time to change seats, and as all the girls settled at the back of the room, carrying their pink bags, and lunch boxes with them, she stood behind, at the farthest distance, praying silently to be with someone who would want her to be her seatmate. The chairs turned, the teacher's saliva scattered, names were called, laughter and gloomy sighs filled the room. She prayed not to be relocated with the famous ones. 

Then her name was called, and was told to sat in the middle. The first girl at her right sat enthusiastically, she was one of the brightest, the most prettiest girls in her class. Elyna looked at her from head to toe, and her whole school year seemed to flash in her mind, this was a good sign, she thought, she would be with someone smart. She was so desperate to be smart. , Elyna took her sit, then another name was called, this time a fat girl with long hair stood beside the third chair, she smiled at the first girl, her eyes glimmering with interest, but as it went to Elyna, the fat girl's expression seemed to hit a hard bottom, its filled with pure disgust. Elyna inhaled the disgust in her new seatmate's  eyes, mouth and face. Her disgust could be seen all around her face, and this time, Elyna's eyes were the ones who with the bottom of the floor, her head bowed down, her worth crumbled. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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