The Writing Game

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A scene made out of seven random sentences from the third Harry Potter book. Let's just call it "The Writing Game" for future chapters ^^.

Sentences used:

1. Stan put the paper away reluctantly and Harry leant against the window of the Knight Bus, feeling worse than ever.

2. "I would hate you to run away with a false idea of your father, Potter", he said, a terrible grin twisting his face.

3. "That would be because they - er - weren't Dementors", said Professor Lupin.

4. The common room was lit by the glow of the dying fire, still littered with debris from the party.

5. "Diggory's got a very fast swerve, Harry, so you might want to try looping him -"

6. "I met him!" growled Hagrid.

7. Harry's mind had gone blank with shock.

Scene made out of this:

"I met him once." Steve said, leaning against the window and putting away the newspaper he just read.

There was a picture on it, of a grim looking man with no hair but a beard that wasn't shaved for at least three days.

"In the pub the other day sitting by himself at the bar. Didn't think he was a murderer though!" He added, his brows furrowed.

Knowing he was so close to someone who committed such a terrible crime made him feel sick, worse than ever.

His eyes focused on the glow of the dying fire in the chimney. 

"Well, not everyone who's murdering looks the part! Though... Are you sure it was the man from the picture? Cause that one actually looks evil!" His friend Gary said who sat on the sofa.

"Yes, it was him! And he didn't look that grim back then... Just like he had a rough day or something..."

Gary shook his head.

"Please, Steve... stop seeing the good in people at all times! He's clearly a suspect and looking from the evidence described in that article it's unlikely to be someone else! I think you getting false ideas on people will get you in trouble one day!"

Steve sighed.


"The best you can do is remember when you saw him and report it to the police so they can find him and put him in jail!" Gary suggested.

Steve nodded and pushed himself off the window walking over to where his cup of tea was on the coffee table, taking a sip.

"He's supposed to be very fast too and hard to catch. Whenever the police got a lead he's already gone before they even get there! At least that's what I heard.... so you might be another good chance for them?"

Steve shrugged.

"I don't know... I'll keep my eyes open I guess and try to remember. But for now let's just go and watch that movie in cinema before we're late!"

So this was the scene. It's not much but it's totally made from the randomly picked sentences from above.
To the ones who are interested in how this "game" works: Just pick a book, open it on a random page, write down the first sentence that catches your eye, and repeat so you have like seven sentences. Now take them and write a scene. That can be anything and names can be changed and all... It's a helpful tool when having writers block too. At least it helps me to get back to writing when it feels like no words want to come out. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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