Entrance Exam

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When you decided to enroll at U.A. most people laughed, saying it would be a waste of time. You were quirkless always have been and you got used to it. You remember a bit of your family before they all passed, some freak accident completely destroyed your home and your family. And where were you, off playing down the street with a friend of yours. One minute you had a loving family and the next they were gone. Your next of kin was a part of the incident so you went under the government's watch, you got passed around from family to family until when you turned 14 and emancipated yourself. Turns out emancipating yourself gives you access to wills from your grandparents giving you enough money to be stable. You worked since you were able to, not really buying stuff just saving it all up until you were able to buy your own place. It was a small apartment with everything being in the same room except for the bathroom. It was enough for you to live in.

So back to U.A. you signed up for the entrance exam, you were dressed into your middle school uniform as you passed by the large gates. This was it you were doing it, would you even get into support, maybe general education, what if you got into the hero course, now that would be funny. The very first quirkless hero! You chuckle to yourself getting some weird looks from people but you ignore them heading inside the cool breeze nipping at your face. Inside a large lecture room, you grab a seat next to some guy with red spiked hair. He flashes you a huge grin when the two of you make eye contact and you smile in return.

"WHAT'S UP EVERYBODY ARE YOU ALL EXCITED!!! CAN I GET A YEAHHH!" A spotlight appears on the pro-hero Present Mic who throws his hands in the air.

It is dead silent until someone coughs and breaks the silence.

"Not the excited crowd okayyy. Anyway, here are the rules for this game. You'll first do a written exam followed by the practical. For the practical, your goal is to eliminate as many villains as you can to get a score." A screen pops up showing that the 'villains' are actually just robots, there are three of them with the highest amount of points you can get from one robot is three.
You see ahead of you someone raises their hand, "Sir you're showing three types of villains when on the paper there are four!" You can only see the back of his head as he stands.

"Oh, that one! We keep that one in as a zero point one, if you do encounter it run far my dudes!" Mic yells.

The guy nods, bowing slightly, "Also you've been muttering this entire time, if you aren't going to pay attention and distract others you are more than welcome to leave." He points to a kid with green hair, who immediately turns red in embarrassment. People laugh at him and you frown, even in high school people will always be mean.

Present Mic finishes up and we all begin the written exam, you breeze through it feeling confident. Your intellect was average and got you by, it was your strength you were really counting on for the Practical. You're all sent out getting onto a bus going to the location where you would be fighting. Getting off the bus you fix your shirt as everyone gets ready for the exam to begin. You see off to the side the same green-haired kid, he looks extremely pale as people stretch and get ready. You feel kind of bad, you heard on the ride he was the kid that rushed to help some guy during a villain attack. Almost got himself killed. You wish this kid luck though compared to all these people you need to focus your luck on yourself. All these people probably have amazing quirks and here the quirkless nobody comes rushing in. You hear a buzzer going off before a countdown begins.

You turn to face the entrance to the exam, you take a deep breath in grounding yourself. You close your eyes focusing on those around you and yourself. Every movement you take next had to be precise or this would all be a waste. The buzzer goes off again and the doors open, you open your eyes running in passing by some students, there are already students in front of you fighting the robots. You see one guy who looks like an angry pomeranian throw his hand against one of the robots exploding it. "Cool" you mumble seeing a robot turn the corner and you look around for anything to help you. There is a piece of metal, you bend down scooping it into your hand as you run on top of a car flipping over the robot swinging a scrap of metal chopping the head clean off the thing dying. You feel a presence and you turn, dodging the large arms from the one pointer. Spinning around you run right past it to run up its back. It starts spinning around trying to throw you off when you kick the head, crushing it, getting you another point.

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