A Town Called Nightmare- OAP Adaptation

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A Town Called Nightmare

By: Nemo Writes

Adapted By: Nemo Writes



John Hugh (Tourist)

Billy Smith (711 Worker)

Sally- Mae Johnson



[Narrator comes on stage.]


"Deep in the emptiness of Pennsylvania there lies a tiny town. A town called Nightmare. Of it's few townsfolk- none know the story of how it got its most peculiar name, and while it isn't exactly a nightmare for the people who live there; the town does live up to its name in other ways. You see; for the townsfolk of Nightmare life is particularly mundane most of the time. Sally-Mae Johnson runs the beauty shop, Billy Smith manages the only 7/11 in town, Carter Martin bags groceries at the mom and pop store next to the community playground, and so on... life is relatively simple for the people who live in a town called Nightmare- or they've gotten used to the strange parts; at the very least."

[Narrator moves to the side of stage while Billy Smith and John Hugh walk on. Set is moved on.]


"How long have you been in town?"


"I actually got in today- just stumbled into to town, actually." [Laughs]


"Oh?" [He acts surprised; though he isn't.]


"Yeah, do you have a map by any chance?"


"I'm afraid that this location doesn't sell maps." [John looks at him weirdly.]

"Actually, there are no maps for sale here in Nightmare. Why do you ask? Can't you just google a map to get out of here?"

[John shakes his head.]


"My phone stopped working once I got into town..." [With a sigh.] "Well, thank you anyway. I guess I'll go back to my hotel and figure things out..."


"Just some advice while you're here-"

[Sally-Mae interrupts by coming into scene.]

Sally- Mae:

"Hey Billy!"


"How ya doin' Sally- Mae?"

Sally- Mae:

"Just getting some snacks for the girls before I go home."

[Sally grabs some chip bags off the 'shelves' and goes over to Billy.]

"Mable and Betty have had quite the appetites recently- you'd think they're teenage boys instead of middle school girls!" [Laughs]

[John exits]

[Billy watches John leave- a hint of regret on his face.]


"That Guy was new... name was John."

[Sally stops and looks at Billy worriedly.]


[After a moment.] "Poor soul..."

[Sally and Billy freeze and the narrator steps up to center.]


"For people who pass through, though... well, I told you that there were ways in which the town lives up to its name. Nightmare doesn't like newcomers, and those who pass through don't stay for long- they never come back through; either."

[Billy and Sally walk off and the scene changes to a split scene. John is walking by a forest while Sally arrives home. They both have 711 bags. John is walking while Sally is frozen on stage. A voice comes from behind the trees.]


[Creepily] "Johnnn..."

[John stops and turns around. Glowing red eyes appear in the forest and his scene freezes.]


Because while the townsfolk of Nightmare have grown accustomed to seeing red orbs in the forest at night, and specters on the main road at dusk- travelers tend to think this quite out of the ordinary.

[Sally's scene unfreezes.]


"Girls! I'm home!" [She looks around.] "Girls?" [Sally picks up a note off the table and reads it aloud- Mable speaks at the same time.]

"Betty never came home from school today- I'm taking Charlie to the dog park to look for her. Love you!"

[Sally immediately runs offstage.]

[John's scene unfreezes. He steps closer to the orbs, and something grabs him- he screams. The lights fade to a spotlight on the narrator.]


"Now you might wonder what came of Sally-Mae, John, Betty, and Mable... Well, let me set the scene for you.

Mable's dog was found alone at the dog park. Betty's school bag still remains at her desk at school. John's phone lies deep in the woods where he dropped it. And Sally-Mae? Sally-Mae was found wandering the dog park; rambling about blackeyed children and red orbs. She doesn't run the beauty shop anymore.

Since the town is so small- you won't find it on a map, but if by chance you do find your way to Nightmare, Pennsylvania- I have some advice for you:

Don't visit the park between the times of 1 and 3 am.

If you hear your name being called in the woods, don't turn around- it isn't who you think it is.

Stay away from the empty parking lot behind the rundown bowling alley. It's empty for a reason, you know.

When the tall man that stands in front of the cornfields at night waves at you it's always best to wave back- especially if you can see the orbs behind him.

Never camp alone. Even on the campgrounds of Nightmare. Never.

If you see a lonely child in the park at night turn around and walk away. If you're in a car and the child approaches your vehicle don't roll down your window, and whatever you do do not let it in your car with you. Simply tell it to go back to bed, and it will move along. Never look it in the eye, and if it asks your name lie to it.

Those are the things that the townsfolk of Nightmare won't tell you (but they're all things that they know and do themselves too).

Because you see, the most dangerous things in Nightmare aren't the bears or wolves in the forest. It isn't drunk drivers coming home late from the town's bar at night.

You don't have to worry about burglars, murderers, or gangs.

The crime rate in Nightmare is relatively low.

The disappearances, though- the disappearances happen all the time.

No one likes to talk about the disappearances.

Usually, it's a tourist that goes into the forest and doesn't come back. A traveler that steps into a fairy ring and is never seen again. An outsider that the things that live among the people of Nightmare know won't be missed within the town.

When tourism is down though, Jim doesn't show up to his shift at the diner. Betty never comes home from school.

Shawn, John, and Connor head down to the creek and don't make it home for dinner, Sarah is missing from class, Mable's dog is found at the dog park without her, and so on.

This happens over and over again to the good people of Nightmare. Unless-

Unless you would like to take a visit?"

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