Chapter One; The First Glance

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It was an early spring morning. A bright light was shining on the girl who was currently laying on the grass while her sister, who was watering the crops, tried to avoid it as much as possible. The younger sister loved the feeling of the sun on her skin. She quickly got disturbed from her rest once she felt the cold splash of water hitting her full force. An obnoxious groan exited her lips. She knew exactly who had thrown it and disturbed her. Her braided hair was already a mess from the good night's rest she had and now it was sopping wet.

"God, would you stop doing that already?" Evelyn sat up to stretch her limbs up towards the blue sky.

"Here I am helping you out on your chores and you have the audacity to rest once again" Madeline put a hand on her hips while still holding the metal bucket. She watched her sister arise from the grass, a frown etched deep onto her face.

"You know how long it takes me to wash my hair" Evelyn complained whilst draining her hair "Why was I the only one cursed with curls in this family"

"Maybe you're adopted?"

Evelyn rolled her eyes and grabbed the watering can from the ground. She watched the water flow down the pipe smoothly and took a glance at her sister.

"Don't we have to pick up the eggs today?" Evelyn dreaded the chore. Both the sisters were so different yet so alike. Evelyn admired her sister's courage, if only she was a bit more like her.

"Yes, so you better bring the basket if you don't want to be the one picking up the eggs," Madeline teased.

"Do I really have to go inside the shed? There was a spider last time"

Madeline couldn't resist rolling her eyes,

"Oh god, it's not that hard to squish it with your boot, or you can also ignore it, it won't attack you. I think"

"But it was a big one and what do you mean I think?"

By the time Evelyn finished whining about the spider, Madeline had already come back with the basket and was on her way to the chicken coop which wasn't far from where Evelyn stood.

"Wait for me" Evelyn shouted as she hurried to catch up with her sister's pace.

"Come on, Today is the day, you overcome your fear" Madeline pulled at Evelyn's hand as she led her into the coop.

"Maddy, stop. I cannot!" Evelyn said, her voice going higher than it already was.

Madeline closed the chicken coops gate trapping Evelyn into her demise and stood in front of it to make sure she won't be escaping today. She made sure to hand over the basket to her sister beforehand. Evelyn's stood shaking in her boots but soon she spotted the eggs under one of the hen's. She really believed she could do it this time. The rooster had other plans though and decided to approach the trembling human which startled her, causing the woven basket to drop in front of said animal. Madeline decided to ignore all the commotion, thinking Evelyn was trying to escape once again. Then a loud scream pierced through her ear making her turn to look and Evelyn was already running to her with tears in her eyes.

"Wait! Robert was just startled, he isn't going to attack! He's friendly!" Madeline said as she picked Robert the rooster up and cradled him in her arms. She failed to realize that the gate was left wide open and Shanon the hen was already making her escape.

"Shanon come back!" Madeline shouted and amongst all the commotion, a dark-haired man jumped their fence to see what it was all about. Shannon the hen decided running towards the man was the best choice and before she knew it the man had already kicked her away.

"Oh god Shanon! Why would you do that?"

"What's all this screaming about? Was there a fox?" The man said.

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