Chapter Three - Days, Weeks, a Month Even

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(First of all what do you think of the new title? Choosing Between The Fools? Good enough? Idk leave your thoughts in the comments, I'd love to hear from you!)

Chapter Three - Days, Weeks, a Month Even

Dannys POV:

I stepped out of the car and looked around. Where the fuck am I? Oh shit, I knew I shouldn't of done this. I'll never see Olly again. I'm such an idiot. I looked around and glanced at my watch, 1AM. It was pitch black, you couldn't see a thing. There were no lights on whatsoever. It was utterly black. Darkness everywhere.

I rubbed my eyes and locked my car, not realising that I parked in the way of the drive. I sighed, ignored the car and started walking down the road, my hands in my pockets and my hood up. Every step I took, I was getting even more tired. I felt like collapsing. So I did, I guess as everything went black, I couldn't see anything, not even the faint basic shapes of buildings.

--1 Month Later--

Ollys POV:

I haven't seen Danny for days, weeks, a month even. I haven't seen him since that morning. That morning he cooked us breakfast. I sat down with my coffee next to Ralphie, Danny's dog. He nuzzled his head into my palm as I sighed heavily, he knew something was up. I sipped my coffee and placed my legs on the coffee table. As soon as I did so my phone moved violently across the table, flashing widly. "Cherry Cola" blasted through the flat, I jumped up and grabbed it, Danny. I jumped and maybe squealed as I saw the name and answered it quickly to hear a unfamiliar female voice on the other end.

Hello, is this Mr Murs?

Olly: Y-yeah

You're close to Mr Danny Jones, right?

Olly: Boyfriend? (Did he even want me as his boyfriend? Am I even his boyfriend anymore?)

Ah yes, you're the one, although I bring bad news.

Olly: W-what hap-pened to him?

We're not sure, some nice folk brought him into the hospital two weeks ago, we've only just figured out whos close to Danny and whos not. I've already called his parents, they can't come because of transport. So we figured you were the next closest as you have a kiss at the end of your name.

Olly: What hospital is he in?


Olly: I'll be there right away.

And I hung up. Why the fuck was he in Birmingham? How the fuck did he even get to Birmingham from London? All I know is that he needs me. I know he does. I jumped in my car and started to drive.

Toms POV:

I've done it every other day. I haven't seen him for a month since he stormed off. Someone took my notes so I couldn't cope with it any other way. I haven't left my room, well only to get a drink and maybe a muffin if I deserve it and to go to the toilet obviously. There was tissues with blood stains on them, all over my bed. I sighed and shoved them all in the bin.

Marvin was purring softly asking for love. "I'm sorry buddy, I know how it feels, c'mon we'll get you some food," I whispered feeling his stomach. He was thin, nearly as thin as me. I didn't want him to get like this. He's gonna have to eat a lot to gain all the weight back. And maybe I should forget about Danny. Even thinking about it stabbed me in the stomach.

I walked past the mirror, sighing as I looked like a mess. My dirty blonde locks spiked up in all directions, purple rings around my marron eyes. I looked over at Marvin who was chomping down at his food, I smiled. He's the only one that's been with me all the time.

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