Chapter 8 - The Stowaway (Tess)

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When I awoke the next morning, it was to the sound of arguing. It took all my free will not to groan and roll over, to desperately try and get some more sleep; Blaine’s sickly coughs had echoed through the tunnels for hours before they finally silenced, allowing me to get some rest. It also didn’t help that Jev didn’t leave. Even with my eyes closed and my back to him, I could feel his scrutinising gaze piercing my body like a knife.

When I first realised that the Rebel wasn’t going anywhere, I had asked him, “Aren’t you going to see your leader? Surely he’s more important than me right now.”

The Rebel had simply scoffed at my words. “He’s no leader of mine.” Jev had paused then. “Besides, what would you say is more dangerous, a bit off a cough and a little blood, or a self-righteous Met-Brat acting like she owns a place she doesn’t belong?”

“Well, I’m not too sure.” I had said coolly. “But I do know that kidnapping the police chief’s daughter and taking her to a secret base that is a regular go-to for Rebels is pretty dangerous. What if they track me down?”

Jev had simply laughed. “Is that meant to be a threat, Princess?” He had shaken his head in disbelief. “Go to sleep. You can humour me more in the morning. I’m not going anywhere.”

The next morning, it was still Jev’s voice that I heard. But it was also Matt’s.

“Come on, man, just let me see her.” Matt was saying.

“She’s still asleep, Mr Wannabe. You can wait another half-hour or so to see your beloved.”

“It’s not like I’m gonna do anything. I just wanna sit with her a while.” Matt pressed.

“Look, I’m not prepared to let some Wannabe Rebel Met-Brat sit and swoon over a girl while she’s asleep. Regardless of whether you’re going to do anything or not, that’s creepy.” Jev pointed out.

“Why do you care all of a sudden?” Matt asked.

Jev took a small step forward, sending Matt back in fear. “Ellie asked me to keep the girl safe. Blaine asked me to guard her. You have no business here.”

“It seems like more than that, though.” Matt muttered.

The Rebel shrugged. “I’m not gonna apologise. I’m defending the girl’s dignity.”

“I don’t care, asshole, just let me through!

Time seemed to stop as the Rebel processed Matt’s words.

“I’m sorry, I seem to be a little slight of hearing.” Jev growled. “What did you just call me?”

I opened my eyes a crack, watching the two boys through my eyelashes. Jev had his back to me, blocking the entrance to my tunnel. Matt stood opposite him in the main tunnel that broke off from mine, and all the colour had drained from his face after realising what he had just said to the Rebel.

“I… Uh…” Matt’s eyes were wide as he wracked his brain for words.

Jev took a step towards him. “Would you like to repeat that sentence?”

Matt seemed to be frozen in place, but he still managed to shake his head.

At the sides of his body, I saw Jev’s fists clench. My heart leapt into my throat – I couldn’t help Matt like this at all

A strange sound filled the tunnel; a deep throaty, yet soft sound that seemed to bubble and bounce off the rounded walls. Jev was hunched over, his hand no longer clenched in a fist, but grasping at his chest, almost as if he were in pain. Jev was laughing.

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