Upon the Night of Sterling's Birthday

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"There's no way that you missed that fucking field goal, dude."

Kenzo looked at his younger brother, Sterling, in complete disbelief. 

Laying his head back against the headrest of the passenger's side of the car, Sterling let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes. 

"I don't wanna talk about it. I know I fucked up. You don't need to remind me."

Kenzo scoffed and shook his head, focusing his eyes back onto the busy highway of M1 Pacific Motorway.

Sterling's team may have won the national title, but as captain, a huge blow is taken from any minor mistake. Sterling had already been anxious, all day, even before the game started.

It was his birthday today. 

Most 16-year-olds are ecstatic to inch a year closer to their legal freedom. For the Wither family, birthdays are an important and exciting event. Everyone in Bellevue looks forward to any Wither party, let alone something as special as a birthday. 

For the Wither family, birthdays are as socially important as a celebrity wedding. The whole town was invited, news broadcaster may be present, there were diamonds in guest gift bags, hell, there was a damn chocolate fondue station. 

It was a big occasion. 

But for Sterling, it was just another day without his mother. 

She'd been gone for months now, but the pain still lingered with him, as if she'd parted just the day before. The parting didn't seem to bother his brothers as much as it did him. Or so it seemed. The only person who could really understand was his dad. But even with him, it was hard to tell when he was upset. 

As the traffic cleared from the busy highway, Sterling looked out of the window. They were crossing over his mother's favorite part of the highway. 

"Is it just me?" he thought, "Is there no one else that misses her as I do?"

Sterling was left to ponder as Kenzo pulled off the off-ramp and onto a longer route.

"Fucking dumbasses. Can't even fucking drive on the damn highway. What fuck-ups, seriously."

Now, Kenzo AND Sterling had something to push their buttons. Hopefully, the upcoming celebration would prove to improve their moods. 

At least, Kenzo's. There was going to be alcohol. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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