Chapter 3

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"Does he hate me?" Basil asked abruptly, anxiously playing with his own fingers. Deep down he knew the answer had to be yes, but he really did hope that Kel could say it wasn't true. He spent every day hating himself because of how he made Hero feel, he wasn't sure what he was going to do if the answer was yes.

Kel was silent for a moment, thinking of what exactly to say. He wasn't Hero so it was hard to speak for him, but he did have a general idea. He knew his brother would always care for Sunny, even if he was mad at him. He would always love Sunny at least a little, but Basil? Yes, usually Hero's anger was directed towards Sunny but Kel knew the brutal things Hero had screamed towards Basil as well. Stuff Kel would never repeat to the fragile boy, or to anyone really.

"Hero is complicated," Kel started carefully, thinking out his words. He really didn't want to hurt them but they all needed to tell the truth and trust each other. Nothing would be fixed until they had trust. And lying about this was something that could just bite Kel in the ass later.

"He really does care about you guys... but he has a lot of feelings. I don't think he wants anything bad to happen to either of you. But he is just having a hard time accepting it all." Kel spoke softly, hoping that his answer was okay enough to satisfy his curiosity without hurting his feelings.

Basil nodded, eyes falling on the floor. "Do you think he will ever forgive me?" Basil hopefully asked. If there was even a slight chance of Hero forgiving Basil for what happened, he would keep trying. He did sometimes wonder if Hero would be happier if Basil just didn't exist anymore. There have been times that thought is just way too loud and the urges to just disappear have been too intense to ignore. Part of him wished that his attempts had been successful, however he wondered if it was a good thing he was still here after all now that his old friends came to see him.

"He needs time" Kel explained, offering a sympathetic half smile. Basil seemed to accept it, still fidgeting with his hands. That was rough. He would continue trying his best to give Hero space, but all he wanted in the world was to not feel like his favorite people in the worse despised him.

"I'm also, uh, not planning on telling him i came to see you guys. I don't think he is ready for all that." Kel said, looking back and forth between his two friends. He just didn't want to risk Hero finding out yet. This could really hurt him ESPECIALLY if he found out Kel went to see them behind his back. "But i'm happy everyone is good and i'm excited to spend time with you guys again!" Kel smiled at them, hoping that Kel's approval of them was enough.

Basil tried to smile back at him, but it felt weak and insincere. He was really sad at the thought Hero may hate him and there was nothing he could do about it and it made him feel like he was worthless. But Kel was here, and so was Sunny. They wanted to be there.

"Anyway," Kel began, looking over Sunny's small frame briefly and remembered why exactly they came over. "We were going to get some food and wanted you come with" Kel told the short blonde boy. "Gino's is just down the way and we are starving"

Basil looked like he was deeply considering it, wanting nothing more in this moment than to spend time with his best friends again. But something made him feel like he couldn't accept. Like they were only offering to be nice and they would actually be upset if he accepted.

"I don't think i should, i..i mean i have some things i need to do here and some homework and i'm not sure if Polly will let me go today so suddenly and..." Basil rambled on looking for any reason to not go. He felt so little and insecure.

"Please come" Sunny spoke up, his caramel brown eyes meeting Basils bright blues.

Basil's thoughts were finally silenced.

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