what they do to annoy you

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Jason Voorhees
Well he doesn't usually like to annoy you but when he does he likes to hide your things or if your cooking he'll secretly steal some food while your not looking

Norman bates
He doesn't like to annoy you cause he thinks you'll get mad at him

Michael Myers (2008)
He just picks you up and throws you on the nearest bed or couch and lays on top of you, it's not really annoying most of the time but he sometimes does it when your doing important things

Freddy Krueger (2010)
This bitch does anything he can to try annoy you but his favourite thing is to hide your bras or underwear, he hides them in the most dumbest places sometimes.

Billy and Stu
They usually like to annoy you by calling you embarassing names infront of people or if you see your ex they'll definitely tease the living shit outta you

Hannibal lector
He doesn't annoy you like at all

Ok if you thought Freddy was bad this little shit is worse, he'll fucking bite your ankles or knees or if that doesn't annoy you he will not hesitate to bite your ass like this man has no shame he will bite your ass

Thomas Hewitt
He doesn't annoy you much but if he does he usually does it by giving you way too much affection, he doesn't know it's annoying well it isn't only when your helping cook or something like that

Bubba Sawyers
Nothing but there are times when he gets too exited and accidentally hurts you, you know he doesn't mean it but it's sometimes gets annoying

This fucker likes to leave around balloons and whenever you walk by them they usually pop really fucking loudly or if he doesn't do that then this bitch will definitely try to fucking scare you

Bo Sinclair
If he does annoy you he usually does by getting too drunk and saying dumb shit to you like the dumbest shit and the fucker won't remember shit he said the next day

Lester Sinclair
Nothing except whenever he chases you with dead animals, you've learnt not to go out to find roadkill with him anymore. Once he threw one at you and it fucking stank

Vincent Sinclair
Nothing like this man could never do anything to annoy you unless he's pissed off at you but that's hardly ever

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