CHAPTER 2: Mr. Grieves

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"Whats that floating in the water? Oh, Neptunes daughter,". I sing along with the song Mr. Grieves by the Pixies. BING.
"Josh get the door!" I scream. As usual, no response. He's probably in the basement stuck on the AOL. God, he doesn't realize how expensive it is. I drag along the floor as I go to open the door.
"Hey Deena!" The blonde girl chants.
"Sam? What are you doing here?" Suddenly, I'm wide awake. First she is one of my co workers, now she shows up at my house. Could this day get any worse?
"I was just wondering if you would be able to give me a ride to work tomorrow," Sam asks, fidgeting with her hair.
"Oh... yeah definitely," I say. "Your right down on Fier Street right?".
"Yup, third house down," Sam answers.
"Soooo I'll be at your house at 8:15," I suggest.
"Yup, I'll see you tommorow!" Sam replies. Something about her seems off. I just don't understand why she is talking to me. Most people are scared of me. I don't blame them, a lesbo with an alcoholic father does sound pretty threatening. As Sam walks off the front porch, I hear her mumble under her breath,
"Oh, I believe in Mr. Grives,".
"Good ear," I chuckle, Sam throws me back a warm smile and continues walking. I shut the door behind me and turn around to see Josh.
"Okay, I was going to ask for pizza, but this seems more interesting." Josh snaps at me before I can say anything. "What is Samantha Fraser doing at our house?"
"Beats me," I shrug. Unless it's Kate, any girl that shows up at our house passes my brother's mind as one of my love intrests.
"Your seeing the hottest girl in the school!" Josh screams, his eyes are wide and his jaw dropped to the floor.
"No, she just needs a ride to work. I'll make you pizzia just leave me alone nerd," I put the frozen pizza in the oven, as I close it I see an envelope with my name on it. Kate wrote me! I eagerly open the envelope and read the letter.

Dear Deena,
Sup Lady killer. I bet your meeting a lot of pretty shadyside girls at work. We miss you. Yesturday Simon and I went fishing. He tipped over our boat while trying to recreate the titanic scene. I, of course, was not cooperating which made him get mad and fall off. I wish you were here. At the same time, I'm happy that you are being responsible and getting money for yourself. Don't give up. Anyway, I can't wait to see you next month, Simons getting annoying. Well, I'm going to watch a movie but I will write you soon. Sorry for the short letter.
Love, Kate.

Ugh, I miss them so much. I wish I had another person who I could act myself around. I wish I had someone who was here, supporting me every step of the way. I guess in Shadyside no one is ever always there for you.

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