Meeting Arthur and the wedding

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4 November 1501:
Today I met prince Arthur, he had reddish hair, small eyes, and a high-bridged nose and he was fairly good looking and we walked along the pathway by the castle and talked for a while with Margaret Beaufort (his ambitious grandmother), his parents, and my guards all behind us, we talked about the letters that were exchanged between us and he was simply an amazing man, he was very gentle in his tone and promised to be a good husband to me.
Over all meeting him was great! And I couldn't have asked for a better match!
When we walked back to the castle his grandmother and mother lead me back to my room and my ladies got me ready for bed.
In ten days I'll be a wife to Arthur and heiress to England and I cannot wait for that day when we can be rulers together.
After the afternoon of being with Arthur his grandmother led me back to my rooms and I rested for the rest of the evening until dinner then I dressed and went downstairs to the dining hall and sat across from Arthur and Harry and sat next to Margaret, she was sorta like my sister since we met but unfortunately she's moving it Scotland soon.
We had goose and bread with wine for dinner and it was fairly good.
After dinner I went to my room and wrote for a bit and then prayed my nightly prayers and went to sleep peacefully.

The wedding: November 10th 1501
The wedding of Catharine of Aragon and prince Arthur Tudor was an amazing event that United Spain and England against France it took place in old St Paul's Cathedral Stands had been erected in the nave for the most important guests; and for the marriage itself there was a timber platform twelve feet wide and four feet high with steps on every side and covered with red baize.
like the place of the christening of the King's children, it stood against the consistory court over the north portion of the cloisters adjacent to the choir and north transept so that King Henry and Queen Elizabeth could privately go there through a door made for the occasion to hear and see the ceremonies of the marriage at their pleasure.
And Catherine's dress was a beautiful white Spanish style dress and a white veil.
As for Arthur he wore a white outfit as well.
The day was filled with festivities and fun for the people of England and the royal family.
And the end of the day took place an event that would end up being a mystery on weather or not they consummated their marriage.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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