Chapter 1

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Once upon a time in sat a kingdom tall and grand on an island no one knew where. The clouds where thick and fogged the island. The waves crashed along the land. It was night when the royal family and friends gathered at the Kingdom. The men and their women dancing along to the orchestra. Their clothing matte black to match the theme of the ballroom. And there Prince Jallenston stood leaning against the railing of the balcony that look over the ballroom. A glass of champagne in hand and his eyes down on his fiance, soon to be Princess Arabella. She was dancing through the crowd independently, her black puffy dress swinging along with her. Prince Jallenston slammed his hand on the railing now both hands on the railing and leaned over it.

"God damnit. She has no idea what I'm going to do to that dress tonight." He muttered to the butler who stood tall next to him. Arabella now looked up at him smiling and twirling, not taking her eyes off him. She made a change of direction and towards the staircase she danced. She hopped up the wide, marble stairs to the same balcony Jallenston stood. She came up behind him and slid her arm around his neck. Jallenston took her hand and twirled her into a dip.

"What do you say we ditch this place and have a little fun in the bedroom?" He whispered in her ear and kissed it.

"We shall." Arabella whispered back. Jallenston lifted her up bridle style and climbed a flight of stairs to his royal bedroom. 

It's so late. I must get to sleep. I hope y'all like this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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