Part 1; Please Wake Up

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⚠️ TW (heavily implied $u!€!d3, h0$p!t@|, sorry if I missed anything) ⚠️

Izuku woke up.

Well, sort of... he hadn't opened his eyes yet, mainly because he could barely move. It felt like he hadn't used his muscles in years. He heard a high pitched beeping sound, and smelled the familiar scent of latex and hand sanitizer. He heard someone else in the room shift, then start talking.

"F*cking Deku. Why won't you just wake up already? I- f*ck- I didn't actually mean for you to... you know..."

Izuku recognized the voice as Kacchan's. He wanted so much to tell him he was here, that whatever he did was okay. Come to think of it, he had no idea what Kacchan was talking about. The last thing he remembered was going to sleep in his dorm at A.U. It was his first day back at the dorms for his second year. What could have caused him to end up here?

"It's your birthday today. Not that you'll be able to celebrate it. I-I brought you a present. You can unwrap it when you wake up, maybe that'll work as some f*cking motivation for you. Come on, Deku... they- they said they're pulling the plug Saturday. I can't- can't do this without you..."

Was Kacchan crying? Pulling the plug? How long had he been here? Izuku had to let him know that he was here, he's okay! The best he could do was lift his finger, hoping it would be enough.

Apparently Kacchan had noticed, because he spoke up after Deku heard him shift again. "D-Deku? Do that again," he demanded, not sure whether or not to believe his eyes yet.

Izuku lifted two of his fingers this time, the pure hope in Kacchan's voice giving him more strength than before.

A button was pressed, and moments later, about three or four people rushed into the room, pushing some kind of cart with them. Izuku wasn't quite sure what happened next, but the next thing he knew, his eyes were flying open. He looked up at the doctors that had been caring for him, who soon moved out of the way so he could see his friend.

"Kacchan? What happened? Why am I here?" Izuku asked the crying Kacchan, who helped him sit up.

"You... you don't remember?"

Izuku shook his head in response.

Kacchan took a deep breath before stating, "You jumped."

"What...?" Suddenly, the memory came back to Izuku, but he wasn't sure where to fit it. What had happened before he saw the pavement rushing towards him? Before he felt the freeing feeling of plummeting to his d3@th? Before he took the step off the ledge of very same building he saw All Might's true form on?

"But- but it's okay, you're okay now. You're f*cking-'re okay."

"Kacchan... I have a VERY important question." Izuku paused before continuing. "When was it?"

"Over a year ago at this point... In middle, the same day I told you to- to-" Kacchan didn't seem to be able to finish the sentence, but Izuku understood.

"But... that makes no sense... I-I got All Mand- and I've been going to U.A. and-" As Izuku thought it over, he realized how foggy and distant all the memories were. "No... no, it can't-"

"Deku, what the h*ll are you talking about?"

"... It was a dream."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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