Chapter-12 Crossroads of destiny

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Our destination was clear an was near we only needed to cross Red dragon mountains and then get to Fittoa. While we were ascending these mountains we were staying our nights in vilages along this road. Eris and Rujierd were still practicing while Rudy tryed to cook i helped him and started to wrote in my journal again. I wrote everything i knew right now. I wrote it and hid it from them. I only needed to see it for my progress i didnt want to trouble them with my life.  After they practised Rujierd congratulated Eris on beating him.  "But dont grow  conceited i wont treat you  as a child anymore." Rujierd said. "Maybe we could spar together now if you wish so." i said to her. "Why should i?" eris asked. "Eris even though i dont look like it i learned a lot during this travel with all of you." i said. "After we get to Roa i am probably going to leave i have an appoitment"  i said. "An appointment with who?" Rudy asked. I was silent for a while and then i aswered  "Destiny.""Destiny?" he asked. "Yes i need to find out what am i suppose to do here." i said. "And what are you planning to do?" he asked. "First thing is to learn so i will finaly go to Ranoa to learn and then i will do whatever i want." i said. "But we dont have money to go there" Rudy said. "Rudy believe me we have for two of us" i said.  "How?" he asked. "I deposited some of them when we were in wind port in the guild." i said.  "So you had enough money this whole time?" they asked me. "Some of them yes and i would use them if needed but now that our journey is about to end i think it will be a good use for them" i said. "Fair enough." they said. And we went to sleep. 

Next day we ascended even more it was snowing and there was strong cold wind.  There wasnt a narrow path we now needed to go on reefs carved into the mountains.  Eris wanted to fight dragon but rujierd explained why fighting them was a bad idead.  "So fighting red dragon isnt easy even for people as strong as seven?" i asked. "They could slay one but only the stronger among the Seven Great Powers could fight a whole flock" Rujierd said.  "If i remember correctly  the Technique God  is currently number one and Dragon God is number two" Rudy said. "I think so" i answered. We almost bumped into Rujierd and Eris. "What is happening?" we asked.  They didnt answer  but i saw it it was him "So this is the one that is hidden huh?" i thought to myself. "Rudy, Maverick dont move" Rujierd said. So we stood still.  A two people appeared from the fog.  They were silently approaching us. "Keep calm nothing is going to happen i said to myself quietly.  They passed us. "Thanks god nothing happened" i said to myself.  Rudy then turned and watch them for a while before they stopped. "Rudeus dont move a muscle" Rujierd said quietly. Then  a mule that was carrying our things jumped from the cliff.  "Is that Rujierd Sperdia i hear?" he asked. "And you must be Eris Boreas Greyrat" he continued. "And you two i dont recognize" he said to us. "How do you know our names?" Eris and Rujierd asked. "I didnt expect to encounter you here but it is not important." He said.  "Isnt it?" the masked figure asked. "I cant do anything about it now" he said to her.  "Excuse us." he said to us.  "Please wait!" Rudy said. The conflict was in the air so i prepared myself. "First thing summon sword then use everything i have" i calmly said to myself.  "Who are you?" he asked Rudy. "Oh hello my name is Rudeus Greyrat." Rudy said. "One of the Greyrats?" he asked. "Well yes" Rudy answered.  "Would you tell me your name?" Rudy asked.  "Its orsted" he answered. "Excuse me but do you know the two of them?" he asked. "I know why he knows them." i said quietly.  "How?" rudy asked me. "Its the same as me but i could see past and he sees into the future" i said quietly. "By the way which brand of Greyrats do you come from? Whose sons are you?" he asked. "Paul Greyrats" rudy answered. "Paul shouldnt have son only two daughters." Orsted said and started to approach us. I could feel my mark start to emmit heat . "Dont you come any closer!" Rujierd said to him.  Orsted stopped. "Now what do you want?" he asked Rudy.  "Oh, well do you know something about mana cataclysm." he asked him. "I dont" orsted answered.  "I see" Rudy answered.  "We are  sorry to bother you . "  I said still terrified but determined to step in if we fought.  " Does the word man-god meam anything to you?" He asked Rudy.  "It does He appears in my dreams and-" Rudy didnt finnished his sentence. Orsted leaped forward to him.  I stood there silent for a moment. Rujierd broke his fear and pulled Rudy from the way of the orsteds attack.  "So that it" Orsted  said to Rudy. I quickly summoned my sword and leaped before Rudy. "Rudy run!" i said to him.  Orsted and rujierd had engaged in a fearsome battle.  However Rujierd was after a short while defeated. And over our heads. "Rudy get up you need to run!" i shouted at  him.  Orsted approached us and wanted to strike us  but erris leaped before us. Orsted reacted and sent her flying into the wall.  Then was my turn  i  never had a chance even though i parried him for a while eventually he sent me flying off.  I fell unconcious. "Wake up, Maverick you have a fight to win" i heared her voice again " Its not over yet! " i woke up and saw Rudy he had been lying dead on the ground. "That was your mistake" i said as i stood up. He turned to me. "And who are you? Another of his apostels?" he asked me. I didnt respond i approached him at very high speed and punched him. He flew and hitted a rock. "I never worked for him or do i ever inted to start to work for him " i said to him as i punched  him. He got up "How did you?" he asked me. I silently  picked up my katana from the ground. "I dont know what is your dealing with man god or do i care but you wont kill my brother" i said continued . He then  tried to punch me but he couldnt reach me a mark formed a shield around me. "Who are you?" he asked me confusily. "I am Maverick Greyrat. " i answered.  "Maverick so  what are you exactly? " he said. "I am.... well it doesnt matter i am his brother " i screamed.  "So what do you plan to do? Kill me?" he asked. " If its neccesary " i said. I looked at him and said "I will save my brother " i said. "And how will you do that?" he asked curriously. "By sacrificing myself" i said .  I ran up to Dying Rudy.  I held my mark against him. " I am sorry brother that i cant go with you into Ranoa, i am sorry that i will not able to help you with eris. But atleast tell our family that my death was not in vain" i said tears running on my cheeks as i felt all my power to leave me. I collapsed to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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