Chapter 1

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In the beginning, there was love and love was all there was. From the depths of love came passion and passion exploded with delight. Love sought to express itself and so exploded with many parts of itself.

As she looked upon the depths of the darkened disarray, she spoke light and there it was, the perfect expression of her beauty. She then said "let there be forces that govern the spectrum of light and darkness. And so it was. He created the laws of nature to keep things in place, laws that are seen and unseen, forces visible and invisible.

As she looked upon the works of her hands she saw that it was as she liked it. He made the sky reflect the infinite array of emotions so as the inhabitants looked, they would stare into the depths of themselves. He wove together the complexity of the sea and created inhabitants of the deep and the animals of land. Yet there was something missing.

He then created perfect reflections of himself so that they could be as he was, glorious, joyful and being creators like him - emanating the very traits he possessed himself. She smiled as this glorified her.

The sight of her magnificent creation brought a smile to her face and she basked at her creation. It was like a beautiful song he completed, listening in ecstasy of every note. This made her feel complete and one with creation, as he is indeed is one with everything that exists.

Everything in creation has an essence; a signature and with that signature holds the consisting message of the cosmos, that everything is connected and we're all one with each other. So as love creates the cosmos she displays the wonder of our true nature, unity.

For inclusion is the nature of love and there is nothing and no person outside of it. Love is eternal, it knows no bounds, time or distance. Love expands and invites us all into to his warm embrace because we have always existed in him.

Although, love and her children had a desire which formed a question and the answer is in the plane of reality where there's fear. Fear was created when humanity wanted to experience something other than love.

Humanity conceived of the of the idea of separation, so there was duality. It spread like a disease and divided all sorts of things and people.

However, love never lost sight of her children and creation. He brings light and communicates to everyone, the question is, who will listen?

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