Chapter 2

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Today is my exam for biology, I studied alot in the last weeks. I just hope I will pass it.

"Mom! Dad! I'm leaving!"
"Okay good luck at your exam my dear!"

As I'm walking to the Mall to get a hot coffee like I do every day I see him. I am often a shy girl that doesn't have the streng to talk to people, but this time I manege to.

"Assalamu alaikum, You're the guy from yesterday. I'm sorry again I was in a hurry"
He didn't reply for a second and looked at me like he just fell inlove. Since you can only see my eyes, how is that supposed to happen I chuckle a little
He zoned back in after five seconds
"Uhm Alaikum wassalam, It's fine, may I ask what your name is?"
"My name is Noor, how about you?"
"My name is ilyas"

His pov:

Wow I was thinking about her just now and suddenly I saw her.
Noor, I want you to be my noor.

"I don't want this to sound weird but could I talk to your father in some way?"   He asked me
"Oh yeah sure, I'll give you his number" I replied shyly

Everyone knows me as a quiet and shy person. But when he asked me this. I got so shy and red under my niqab. Thank god he can't see my redness.

"I gotta go now, I have an exam now, bye!" I said
He replied "Oh okay bye!" shyly

His pov:

I could see that she got shy, how cute.

Noor's pov:

I can't believe this happened right now. First love? I'm so happy that this happened in a halal way.

As I'm entering my biology class, I sit down and the teacher gives everyone their paper. Thank God I finish the exam as the first person with no problems.

After a long day I finally go home. As I open the door I can already see my parents sitting like theyre waiting for me to come home. I don't know if I should be worried.

"Salam Baba, Salam Ummi" I say in a questioning voice
"Salam Noor" they both say
"This guy called me and told me he wanted to get to know you, do you know anything about him?" My dad says
"His name is Ilyas and he live's near by, that's all I know" I reply
"I will try to talk with his parents about this and then we'll see tomorrow, okay Noor?"
"Okay baba" I reply and walk upstairs to my room

I'm so happy you can't even imagine. My first love? I'm so exited to see him tomorrow again.

I get ready for bed and scroll through my phone for a few hours.
"Huh it's already 2 am"
I put my phone away and fall asleep right away.

Next day

"Another day, Another test" I say and get ready for my long day. I put on my red silk jilbab und black niqab. I put on my gold necklace with my name on it like every other day. But today is a special day. Ilyas's and his parents will come over.
It's 1 pm right now. They said they'll come over at 2 pm.
I go downstairs to my parents "Goodmorning Baba, Goodmorning Ummi"  I say
"Goodmorning Noor" they reply
My dad says "You know today Ilyas's and his parents will come over, how do you feel darling?"
I reply with "Yes I know, I'm so exited"

After a time of waiting the Door finally rings


open the door and see ilyas standing next to his parents with flowers behind his back

"Assalamu alaikum" I say
"Alaikum wassalam" He and his parents reply
"Come in"
they take their shoes off and enter the living room with us

"Would you like tea or coffe?" I ask him and his parents
"Coffe" they all reply with.
I go to the kitchen to make some coffe. As it's done I pour it in pretty cups, the cups are very old with symbols like flowers on them.
I hand them all their coffee
"JazakAllah" they all reply.

While drinking coffee we finally start talking about the situation between me and ilyas

"My son would like to ask your hand for marriage" The dad of Ilyas says
My parents agree with him
"Do you agree with the marriage too, Noor?" My parents ask me.
"Yes, I do" I reply shyly
"The Nikkah can be done in 2 days" the mom of Ilyas says

After a long talk about the Nikkah they leave

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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