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Francesca Alegria was pretty much the definition of ordinary, compared to the famed Madrigals she believed she was. Well, she wasn't exactly sure why they were so special, she didn't even know any of their names yet. She had only just moved into the town. To say she was excited about it was an understatement.

Although, the only reason they had moved into the small town, which was quite hard to do since it was hidden behind hills that were large enough for her to call mountains, was to see if they had a way to help her mother. She was sick, not with a contagious disease but it was making her weaker by the day. They were looking for a miracle.

So, her father had took them to the town Encanto, in hopes of finding a cure. Her father was taking her to the Madrigals house, which he was told was named 'Casita', leaving her mother at home. The girl was around five or six and as she walked through the town, gazing in amazement at the small trimmings made of flowers hung above them, rather grateful for the clear weather. "Papi! Look at the flowers-" She laughed, lifting her hand up, trying to grab them.

"Si, they are pretty, just like you." Her smiled tiredly, picking up Francesca. "We shouldn't ruin them though Sonrisas-" he stopped at the door to the Casita, knocking on the doors before they opened almost immediately, only being surprised when there was nobody behind them.

"¿Hola? ¿Alguien en casa?" He said, stepping inside before three people walked down the stairs. A woman with a beautiful blue dress with food sticking out of her pockets, holding the hands of two children seemingly the same age as Francesca.

"Oh- Welcome to nuestra Casita!" The woman smiled in surprise, letting go of the two children's hands who then began to play a game of tig around us. "What brings you here so late?" She smiled, her face creasing slightly with smile lines. 

Her father returned the smile, before explaining the situation they are in. He tells the woman how his wife has been sick, how she can barely get out of bed anymore and of course how they are searching for some miracle cure.

"Ah, you've come to the right place. Many years ago, our familia was blessed with a miracle. It gave us nuestra casita and magical gifts to help others who are in need- And fortunately for you, I was blessed with the gift of healing." She gestured for Francescas dad to follow her, before crouching down to her level, "You can play with Mirabel and Camilo while I'm with your father little one-"  She sent smile her way before leading Francescas father towards the kitchen.

So, she did exactly what the lady had told her to do, she went to go play with the two children she now knew as Mirabel and Camilo.

5 years later

Francesca, or as Mirabel calls her Frankie was walking to the small school that doesn't lie that far from her house. Despite this, she still treats the walk as if it's miles away, pretending to pass out on her desk most days to exaggerate that.

When you look at the towns school, it isn't actually that large, it has a few classes and they are pretty small. This was due to the fact that people expected children to join whatever the family work is, for example a seamstresses daughter would become a seamstress and work with her mother. So, the children were only taught the fundamentals of education, how to read and write, things like that.

She walked into the class with quite a large grin on her face, today was the day she was going to tell her crush she liked him. Of course it wouldn't really last due to it being one of those childish ones where you dont like them for their personality or interests, you just find them a little cute. But she was planning on telling him that she liked him nonetheless.

Roses are red ~ Camilo MadrigalWhere stories live. Discover now