I dont know if its love. Nevertheless,

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"I just wanna keep laying like this." Jae-eon says lightly drawing shapes on my back with his fingers as we lay down cuddling. "Me too" I say. "Are you ready for the fair today?" He asks me, moving some of my hair out of my face.

"Yeah, you?" I reply. "Yes. I cant wait to see your face on the rides." He says chuckling. "Lucky me, I'm not afraid of heights." I say smiling at him. He then leans in and kisses me. "What was that for?" I ask him.

"Your just so beautiful, I couldn't resist." He says looking down at me. "Your so cheesy." I say blushing a bit. "I'm gonna go shower." I say before attempting to get up. I didn't get far before Jae-eon pushed me down lightly.

"Five more minutes." He says. "We have to get ready, we don't wanna miss the fair do we?" I ask him. "It's just five minutes, please." He says pouting a bit. I could resist that. "Fine." I say going back into his arms.

"What are you most excited for at the fair?" I ask him. "Probably the Ferris wheel, I have something important I wanna do when we get to the top of it." He says looking at me. "And what is that?" I ask him. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." He says smiling.

"Your crazy Park Jae-eon." I say looking at him. "Only for you." He says before kissing me slowly. I kiss him back of course. Before anything could escalate any further I lightly pushed him away from me. "I think it's been five minutes, maybe even more. I'm gonna go shower now." I say getting up and putting on my shirt and underwear.

"Can I join?" Jae-eon asks me. "Your ridiculous Jae-eon" I yell walking into the bathroom and closing the door. Once I was done showering I walk out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my upper chest, while drying my hair with a different towel.

"I'm gonna go shower now. Again." Jae-eon says getting up and walking to the bathroom. I forgot that he took a shower right before we had sex. Oops. Once I decided on an outfit I got dressed and made my bed. By the time I was done cleaning my room Jae-eon was walking out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Water dripping down onto his chest from his hair. He looked hot, I can admit that. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I hear him say. I look away before saying "Just hurry up." He then chuckles before going into his bag and getting some clothes. Once he was dressed he started to do his hair.

"Can you keep it down?" I ask him. "Only if you wear yours up." He says. "Okay, I'll wear mines up." I say. "Then I'll keep mines down" He says fixing his hair. "Well we can eat at the fair, so should we leave now?" He asks me. "Yes." I say grabbing my jacket.

I make sure everything is clean before leaving and locking my apartment door. We then start walking to the fair. It wouldn't be a long walk since I didn't live that far from it. On our way there we made small talk about the rides we would get on and etc..

Once we got there, it wasn't as many people there as I thought it would be. That's good, that means lines for things would be shorter. "Which ride should we get on first?" Jae-eon says grabbing my hand. "How about we get on a couple rides, eat, then Ferris wheel?" I ask him.

"Sounds like a plan. How about we get on that ride first?" Jae-eon says pointing to this roller coaster. "That looks fun, let's go." I say to him before we start walking over to the ride. We didn't have to wait long since it was only 5 people in front of us. Once it was our turn I got in the cart and Jae-eon got in after me.

𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘁𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵 (Nevertheless,)Where stories live. Discover now