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He couldn't help but just sob for what it felt like hours. He killed a man after promising not to. He thought about how he was a monster and how he kinda enjoyed it after not killing for a while. Before he can think about anything else a bright light hit his eyes. Devil:NNY? Is that you? He quickly got up trying to cover his face. He responded in a tired voice. Johnny:yes.

Devil ran up to him and gave him a bug hug.
Devil: what the hell are you doing here!?!
Johnny: nothing she noticed that he has been crying
Devil: oh NNY. She wiped his tears and gave him a kiss on the cheek
Devil: tell me what's wrong honey and she sat down patting the spot next to her. He sat down and put his head on her shoulder
Johnny: I can never tell you Devil I am sorry

Devil: oh.... um okay it's okay I am still here for you!
She pulled him into a hug
Devil: I love you NNY
Johnny: I- I love you too
She takes him back home and makes sure he is okay and went back to her apartment.
Johnny can hear Squee's parents fight about their son.
Johnny: stupid people
He said as he lay his head down and felled asleep

I am so sorry that's it short but hope you like :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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