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I dread this part; waking up. I lay in my too soft bed under a warm rust colored blanket, and let out a quiet sigh and flip the blanket off of me. It's my first day of a new school in the city, I'm a senior and it's already October. I'm not far from home but it's still 120 miles away from what I know.

My mom sent me to live with my aunt, she was tired of me she says, I roll my eyes at the thought of my mother. I stand up and throw my suitcase on my bed, I go through it and pull out a white long sleeve and a cute rust colored dress with small white spots on it (https://images.app.goo.gl/8pCSPhWw7V3K5LN3A) I get dressed and compliment my outfit with my silver jewelry and put my medium length dirty blonde hair into a cute messy pony tail (https://i.pinimg.com/564x/06/82/20/06822002ef785e634e2c60438a9fefce.jpg). I put on my all white slip on vans, grab my backpack and walk into the kitchen.
There's a note on the table:
Good luck on your first day, the directions to midtown high are on the back of this paper, use it if you need it, you start at 8am. Love you hailey - aunt April
I sigh and look at the clock 7:30, hopefully I have time.

I rush out of the door and start to walk, it's only 15 minutes away walking; I made perfect time.

I get to my new school and walk into the office, "Hi, my name is Hai-" I get cut off, "Hailey Jones?" The preppy secretary basically screams at me, I nod, "Yes. I'm suppose to get my schedule here right?" She nods, stands up and grabs a paper from the printer. As she hands it to me a boy barges into the office, "Hi Peter! Right on time!" "Hi, you needed me this morning?" She nods, "This is Hailey Jones, our new student." He waves at me, "Peter." He introduces himself, I wave gently, "Peter, you can show her around? Is that okay?" He looks at me and nods, "Sure." "Great, thank you Peter, Hailey if he gives you any problems just come see me!" I nod and smile softly.

The bell rings and I hand Peter my schedule, he scans over it quickly, "We have all of the same classes!" He sounds kind of happy, I smile softly, "You don't talk much do you?" He smiles at me as we walk to first period, I fold my schedule and put it in the side pocket of my backpack and shake my head, "I'm more of an observer, speak when required type of girl." He nods, "Interesting." He opens the door for me, I thank him and walk in, "Can I sit near you?" I say gently to him so I don't embarrass him, "Of course." He speaks with the biggest smile, he's nice for a pretty boy.

"Peter!" The teacher speaks very loudly, "Who's your friend." He points at me, "Uh, my name is Hailey, Hailey Jones." He nods, "From?" "Connecticut." "You move in your senior year? Any reason?" I shake my head, he nods, "Okay well if you don't know what's going on see me after class, I'll help you catch up if you need." I nod, Peter leans to me, "Don't worry he's nice he's just loud." He whispers.

The first half of school goes by smooth only because Peter is so comforting, nice, patient, and most importantly: funny. Now it's time for lunch, "Do you have money for lunch?" He asks as we stand in line, "My aunt said she added money to my account already." I smile, he looks into my eyes and everything slows for a second, he's amazing.

"So, Miss Jones," he says in a proper way to make me giggle, it works, "Tell me about you, everything. Name, birthday, all the fun stuff." I smile, "Well, Mr. Parker, my full name is Hailey Elizabeth Jones born June 6, making me the controversial Gemini," I pull out my necklace that says Gemini on it and smile as I show him, he chuckles, "I have a white betta fish named ghost, and I'm 5'2." "Well, I'm very interested to meet Ghost one day." "How about today? After school." He seems shocked I ask, "Absolutely!"

"So tell me about you Peter." He fixes his collar as a joke, "Where do I begin?" He smirks, "I'm Peter Benjamin Parker, born august 10 making me a dapper," he furrows his eyebrows, "Leo." I help him out and smile; he nods, "Leo, whatever that means," he chuckles, "I don't have any pets but I love science, I'm 5'10, and my IQ is 250!" "What kind of science? Im a forensics girl." He looks surprised, "Wow, that's not really common in midtown, I like biophysics, as do most people here I've come to notice."

"I love finger print analysis, it's my favorite part!" "Are you good?" I furrow my eyebrows, "Duh!" I scoff, "I'm the best of the best!" He smirks and nods, "Someone's cocky?" I roll my eyes playfully, "Says you Leo and 'my IQ is 250'" I mock him, he smiles a big teeth smile as he looks into my eyes, I feel a small spark, I've never felt like this before.

The school day finally comes to an end, Peter is talking to his friend, Harry Osborn. I walk over, he turns to me before I'm even close, "Hailey! This is my friend Harry, I told you about earlier." I gently wave, Peter puts his arm around my neck. He says bye to Harry and walks us away, "Lead the way to your humble abode." He smiles

We talk as we walk and suddenly he stops, he touches the side of his head like he's confused, "I'll be right back, stay right here!" He says as he runs off, I furrow my eyebrows, okay?

He comes back 10 minutes later, out of breathe and has a small cut on his eyebrow, "Pete, your eye-" "I know, it's okay, let's go." He puts his arm around my neck and walks to my house. "Peter, what happened?" I put my bag by the door and walk around the counter to the fridge, "That's a story for a later date, yes I want water please." I furrow my eyebrows, how did he know I was going to ask.

I slide him a water, "You're an interesting guy." I chuckle and walk back over to grab my bag, "Wanna go to my room?" He nods and I walk him to my room and sit in my bed, he admires it; smiling. "It's actually really nice in here." He looks at me, I smile and look around, "Thanks, I did it myself."
(https://greenweddingshoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/bohobedroom-01.jpg )

We spend a few hours, talking, laughing, and doing a little bit of home work together. I really like Peter, he's different; a good different.

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