Chapter 0 : The Bonfire

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The sound of water dripping echoed throughout an underground ruin. A place once known as a city of light, now forever enveloped in darkness. Rats scurry across the empty streets. Silence fills the air with nothing but echoes of water accompanying it.

In the ruins' central square, there is a lit bonfire. It provides warmth to any living being that needs it. It cares not whether  someone is good or bad, its only goal is to burn bright.

Next to said bonfire, is a man. Using the fire's warmth, he is able to stop his shivering.

"Finally, some warmth. I've been shivering nonstop ever since I woke up from my slumber."

"What happened here? This place was so bright and colourful back then. What disastrous event occurred while I was gone?"

The man continues to look for any sign of life other than himself. But to no avail, he is the only resident left.

*Sigh* "All that effort put into saving the world and this is what I come back to? No one to welcome me back? Not even my party members?"

"I've never felt such loneliness before..."

The man started getting lost in his thoughts. Throughout the whole advent, there was only one. Forever alone, forever questioning.

"Where are my companions? What's happened to them? Why am I alone? Why is the city empty? Why is everything underground?"

No answer was given, no question was cleared. He began to lose hope. He lies down next to the bonfire, staring at the ceiling of the cave.

"Maybe it's really over.."

He turns himself over and faces the fire,

"The bonfire burns so brightly, ever so closely to me. Yet, why I am still so cold?"

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