Chapter 1 : The Light

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The man wakes up from his sleep,

"Wh-what, did I fall asleep?" He frantically looked around. "Oh right, there's no one else here but me.." He lies back down on the cold and damp floor. As he starts to get lost in his thoughts again, a sudden familiar voice can be heard.

"Hey, Ras! What are you doing there?"

The man sits back up and looks behind him. "Ah, it's Lilia!" He thought to himself. 
Lilia walks up to him,

"Um, did I walk in on something? What happened?"

Ras replies "Haha, it's nothing. I just had a nightmare. Thanks for waking me up, Lilia."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lilia asked.

"Yes, I'm fine" Ras replied while smiling.

"Then, why are there tears running down your face?"

Lilia's face began to distort, "It seems you don't trust me enough to share with me whatever problem you're facing right now, Ras"

"W-wait what, I'm crying?" Ras asks in confusion. He looks down on his hands. Tears, dripping from his chin down onto his hands. "Why am I crying?" Ras became confused.

"I'm done here. It seems better if we just go on separate paths from here. I don't seem to be a trustworthy friend of yours apparently." said Lilia as she walks away from Ras and towards a bright light.

"W-wait! Lilia, that's not the reason why! Come back! Please!" Ras tries to reach his hand out to her. But she continued walking towards the light without looking back. 

"Lilia, come back! I don't have anyone else here but you! Don't leave me! I beg of you..." Ras shouted in desperation. It was too late, she was already gone. The only thing he can see is that light. The light that shines ever so brightly, giving many familiar feelings. The light that welcomes everything and everyone. The light that always greets you on the surface. 

"P-please...I need you...don't leave me..." Ras falls onto his knees, crying. Tears continuously rushing down his cheeks. Ras hits the floor with his fist clenched. "Why has everyone, who once put all their hopes in me, forsaken me? What did I do? Answer me!" Ras begs for an answer from the light. His question was only met with silence. Ras's expression changed from despair to frustration.

"What did I do to deserve all this? Please...tell me, what have I done?" The light did not answer.
Ras looks up. The light slowly began to fade away. "W-wait, not you too! Don't go!" The light fades away, becoming smaller and smaller. As the light disappears, darkness accompanied its absence. 

Ras began to rub his eyes to wipe away the tears. Once everything became clear again. He finally realized.

"It was a dream...I never actually talked to Lilia. All of it wasn't real. No, it WAS real but it never happened here. I went through a flashback of my past." Ras said to himself. *Sigh* "It seems I never moved from this same spot this whole time" He said as he stared at the lit bonfire.

"I wonder when I'll be able to see Lilia and everyone else. I wonder if the light that used to welcome me, will greet me like it once did back then." Ras pondered as he sat and stared at the bonfire. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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