Tiny Akko p1 (Amandakko)

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(This was originally posted tumblr, lol. I stole this pic from an online version of chapter 11 because it was all I could find, and all the words were changed by the poster -v-) 

Imma just copy paste my orig post like a bum:

Rather than my usual Owl House themed content, I've got some Little Witch Academia stuff for ya! Like my Lumity stuff, this is kind of the same but with Akko and Amanda (why the heck don't they have an official ship name when Diakko is a thing???). I based it off chapter 11 (at least I think it was chapter 11) where Akko briefly gets shrunk due to a magic trap while trying to return Amanda's stolen test answer sheets and things got a liiiittleee out of hand. More so here, I guess :/ Anyways, I think in this version there are two kinds of witches, natural born ones, being from witching families, which are thought of by most people as being real witches. Then, there are also humans who attempt to learn witchcraft, which aren't taken seriously as witches by people. Hence, the 'real witches' are genetically different from other humans, and are the kind of witches you'd find in your old fairy tales portraying witches as monstrous. I did the change to clear up on an idea in here, you'll get it later! ;)

"I can't believe that idiot went to try and return those cheat sheets, especially on her own...typical." Amanda muttered as she stalked down the corridors of Luna Nova.

At the moment she had no idea where Atsuko was, and definitely had no idea that the human was running around on the floors in a size that was quite a bit smaller than she normally was. She was also being chased by some rather unhappy orc night guards.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap!" Akko panicked, dragging papers that were nearly twice her size along with her. "What's with the magic in this school!"

She whipped around a corner, gasping as another guard came into view. She instinctively dropped the papers, darting towards a wall where the shadows were darkest. To her luck he walked past without notice of her or her discarded load, but it wouldn't be long before the others informed him about her too.

Hearing a sudden noise, she yelped in alarm and took off in the opposite direction, forgetting her initial mission and the papers she'd left behind.

Amanda turned around a corner from the direction Akko had heard the noise, grumbling in frustration as she continued to search for her. 'I swear, where is that idiot! She has no idea what kind of crap she can get into if she's out here at night, let alone caught!'

She paused, frowning as something crinkled underfoot. She glanced down, shifting her foot to the side as her brows raised. "Alright then, what's all this about..." She mumbled, stooping town as she picked it up. Her eyes widened in disbelief. "But this is..." She stammered, staring at the test papers. Her expression was replaced with a furrowed grimace of worry.

"It's not like Akko to just ditch something like this..." She murmured, standing up again. "So if this is here where..."

She had a really bad feeling about this, the need to find Akko shifted into top priority.

"I swear if she's not seriously in danger right now I'm going to fucking loose it." She growled, starting to run down the corridor as quietly as she could manage, her fist closing around the paper as a frustrated look flashed across her face.

Avoiding guards was easy enough, but finding the human seemed even more impossible. 'Could she have gone back to the dorms?' She considered, before shaking her head. Lotte and the others would have let her know, no point in checking.

Time seemed to slow as her eyes widened, she whipped her head to the side as something caught her eye. She slowed to a stop. She could have sworn she'd seen something race past the archway that opened into a side corridor. She was about to move on, but something about the whole thing left her with a twitchy uneasy feeling, which wasn't something she felt often, let alone liked.

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