ishimondo wedding !!

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mondo starts to sweat as he tries to fix his tie. leon and daiya were in the same room trying to calm him down. "mondo, man, it's gonna be ok, he will say yes" mondo smiles a bit then goes back to trying to fix his hair. he puts his hair in a neat bun and smiles.

meanwhile while mondo was freaking out, taka was also freaking out. takaaki and chihiro were helping taka out with his wedding, and taka just worried about mondo saying no. takaaki smiled and a few tears ran down his face. "my son has grown up, i'm so proud!" taka smiled and fixed his hair as chihiro was crying a bit too. aoi runs into the room and smiles. "TAKA ITS ALMOST TIME LETS GO" taka gasps and fixes his hair a little bit more before he was dragged by aoi.

mondo pov:

i hear byakuya open my door and i look at him. "yes?" "it's time, let's go" i sweat even more and i smile. byakuya smiles a bit and the 2 others sit down in the front row.

time skip to when taka walks out!!

as i'm standing their, scared and anxious, i see taka.

holy fucking shit.

kiyotaka ishimaru, is walking towards me, in the most beautiful, elegant, suit. it's so white, and his beautiful eyes look amazing with the suit. he walks over across from me and he looks at me. "you look handsome" i hear taka mumble. i look at him and blush a bit.

time skip again (sorry 👹)

"do you take kiyotaka ishimaru as your husband?" "yes i do" i say, smiling like a dork. i can hear a few sobs from the background, but i ignore it. i put a ring on takas finger, and he looks at me with a smile. "do you take mondo owada as your husband?" "yes" taka puts a ring on my finger, and i tear up a bit. "you may now kiss the groom" taka leans into me and our lips touch. we kiss for about a minute, and i've never cried so hard.

nobody's pov:

taka pushes away and hugs him tightly. everybody clapped, smiled, and sobbed. they both walked into a different room and laughed softly. "you look so handsome, and your hair, it's in a bun!" "no, you look handsome! look at you!" they hug again as they laugh. "i love you so fucking much kiyotaka ishimaru, or should i say kiyotaka owada?" taka laughs and kisses mondo on the lips for a minute. "can we go somewhere other then this random empty room?" mondo laughs and nods. they get out of the room and leon runs into them. "YOU GUYS! STOP MAKING OUT IN A EMPTY ROOM, LETS GO!!" leon says, laughing. taka and mondo blush and go to the party room to party.

after the party and everything that happened..

taka and mondo flop down on the bed, exhausted. mondo wraps his arms around taka and smiles. "kiyotaka owada, i love you so much, and i'm so happy to call you my husband, i care about you so much your my everything" taka smiles and sobs, (out of happiness of course <3) "mondo owada, i'm so happy to call you mine, im happy you just exist, and i'm happy to call you my husband, and i love you so much i swear-" "prove it" taka smiles and rolls his eyes, then kisses mondo passionately. the kiss went on for 4 minutes, write before they went to take a breath for a second. taka leans back in again and this repeated for 20 minutes. finally, taka fulling an out of breath and hugged mondo. "that's how much i love you, i wasted my breath on you" mondo kisses his forehead and gets up to go pack up to their trip to australia (weird place to go for a honeymoon, but i just didn't wanna do something basic)

end of this chapter!! sorry for the cliffhanger, im pretty sure i have writers block LMAOO

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