Piltover Legends Ch 2 Hide and Seek

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Hello again ! I hope You enjoyed chapter 1, I know it was a bit more sappy, but I promise, there will be more action and fun from now on. Here goes nothing, enjoy.

Disclaimer: All character and places presented in this story has been created and thus are property of Riot Games. This story was created purely as entertainment and I do need seek any profits from it.

WARNING ! This story contains mature language, sensitive scenes and homosexual passages. If You do not like that, please don't read it. 


Vi did not know which was worse, the fact that she had to stand now among that enourmous crowd of people, or the fact that she had to squeeze her ass into that dammed blue festive officer's uniform, and because Caitlyn forced her to wear the women's version, it was version just like hers, with a skirt. The single, most hated thing ever by Vi was a skirt, and the fact that she was wearing one right now, was a torment for her. In previous years she somehow managed to get off duty during fete, of course she was present, she liked to watch the technological novelties. But mainly she was there to watch Caitlyn back, two years ago some rejected admirer decided to attack her with knife, which turned out to be a very stupid idea, Vi tried to recall how much it cost to have a dentist reconstruct his teeth, Cait had been bitching about it for some time but she now had completely forgotten the details. Meanwhile next group of adorers attack Caitlyn, with smiles, flowers, flattery and presents, as usual. As a beautiful woman she attracted many glances, and the fact that for the whole city she was not in any relationship, only attracted whole hordes of them. Combining all those things together, Vi was in her own personal hell right now. She prayed in mind that someone would cause some trouble right now, so she would be able to vent some rage, but unfortunately her reputation alone was enough to prevent any incidents. She watched from time to time at other people and saw how they would turn away their eyes, her personality did not make for her many friends in Piltover besides enforcers that served with her. Common folk mostly feared her, and tried to avoid her, she was to blame for that party, destroyed buildings, walls, fences, shops, bars and list would go on, they gave her also many nicknames, none of them with flattery in mind.

She put her hands to her face wiping, trying to calm the train of thoughts in her head "This will be a long fucking day..."

- Excuse me, Lady Vi ?

She turned around towards the source of the voice but found no one.

- Lady Vi ?

She looked down and saw a little blonde girl, probably no older than 7 years old, standing in front of her, she looked familiar but Vi couldn't remember from where she could possibly know her.

- Oh hello kiddo – she knelt down and looked her in the eyes smiling gently to her – are You lost ?

- No, mommy and daddy are standing over there – she pointed a finger towards a tall man and elegant woman nearby, he also looked familiar and he smiled when they gazes met.

- Lady Vi do You remember me ?

Her mind switched on upon hearing Lady Vi again.

- Amanda ! You've grown I almost didn't recognize You, what's up little one ?

She remembers now, they met about year ago, during protest against hextech that took place in front of Jayce new factory. Amanda's father works for Jayce but that day for reasons unknown to Vi he brought his daughter along. Protesters recognized the emblem on his uniform and attack him, those stunners even started to make threats upon his daughter life if he would continue his work in, as they called it the vile place. Luckily Vi was there with the riot squad, and she quickly teach them that threatening a little girl in her presence is the quickest way to get into hospital, recalling the event, she wondered for a moment if everyone had regained full mobility.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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