part three

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Crowds started cheering, as an array of blue and yellow filled the once previously red seats. I watched as the stadium filled with people anxious ahead of the game.

It was finally time. Practice was over and show time was just beginning.

"Go Bruins" I heard a cheer from the crowd, everyone joined in screaming, chanting, laughing. All of that noise clouded my head pushing my anxiety away, reminding me what I was on the team for. To make people happy. To smile. To build friendships. To get closer with Chase.

"Gather up" Natalie called as her high ponytail wagged side to side.

"Is it pep talk time?" I heard April ushering toward Nat.

"Yup, I can't help but feel like the freshman are rusty"

I couldn't help but feel alarmed. Rusty? Freshman? Is she talking about me?

She's always been jealous of me. The only reason I got on this team is because they wanted to suck up to my brother. Classic cheerleaders. Always wanting you for something.

At least I'm not like them. I will never be like them.

"Oh yeah. For sure, they are gonna make us look like fools today" I heard April reply as I drew myself away from my thoughts.

Eyes followed me, meeting at a common endpoint. Nat and April were now watching me like hawks. They were definitely jealous. I didn't need that energy. At least not right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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