Part 2

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By popular demand, I have written a part 2.

Apologies if it's poorly written or seems rushed. I wrote it in a night and don't have a beta reader.

If anyone would like to beta for me for upcoming works, be sure to send me a message on my Tumblr!

After the euphoria died down, the reality of what happened settled in. You felt sick, dry heaving over the open toilet.

Mr. Afton seemed satisfied enough, however, letting you go with a kiss on the cheek.

It wasn't supposed to have been him! Not the man you viewed as a father--the man who took you in after your mother died.

You leaned your sweaty back against the cool wall and brushed your wet hair back out of your face. You regretted letting him do that to you. Letting him use you. But there was no taking it back now.

But what else were you supposed to do? If you had told him no, he would have gotten angry again.

And worse, what if you ended up pregnant? How would you explain that? How were you supposed to tell your best friend that you were pregnant with his father's child?

You wished Michael would come back from work already. It was 1am, and you had another five hours to go. You wanted nothing but to lay down and hug him. Let him tell you that everything was okay.

But it wasn't.

For now, in the wee hours of the morning, all you could do was clean yourself up and head into Michael's room for the night and cocoon yourself in his duvet, as if like a shield.

There had to be something you could do. All you could think to do, however, was get to the hospital for some emergency contraception, but you knew Mr. Afton wouldn't allow that, and you very well couldn't take his car.

You laid there for a moment, sniffling and holding back tears. There really wasn't anything you could do, was there?








Michael never did return that morning, even when his bedside clock read 9:16am. The sound of a gentle knocking on the bedroom door brought you out of your grogginess, and you sat up on the bed.

The door opened, revealing Mr. Afton behind it. He smiled fondly at you. You felt your stomach wretch.

"Breakfast is downstairs when you're ready, love. I made your favorite. Although-"

"Where's Michael?" You interrupted, and Mr. Afton's smile faltered into a deep frown. He clearly wasn't happy with your little interruption.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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Mr. Afton is a [Not So] Patient Man (William Afton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now