Random School Drama or smth

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So this bitch, let's call her Sofia🐹 for now, she was talking to--let's call her Elana😀--Elana and this guy--call him Antonio--wanted to talk to this other guy--call him Brian🥰--and this musty crusty depressed restressed messed rusty usty trusty icky wicky mickey sicky lickey bitch Elana started crying. WHAT THE FUCK. Bitch... IT'S JUST A CONVERSATION. Guess what? G u e s s W H A T . Sofia told Anotonio at L U N C H "You made Elana cry. You ass. Why? Why did you make Elana cry?" QUOTE ON Q U O T E .... b r u h . I'm sitting there with my friend--Mirra Ig--like "WTF KIND TEA-" and I'm sat there like; what the fuck? This was Monday mind you💀. Now, Elana and Sofia are over here making rumors about Antonio and Brian😭 BITCH WHAT THE FUCK?!? Sofia came up to me and was like "Hey, hey [deadname]? Did you know that Antontio, yeah Antonia slept with Mrs. (no)" BITCH WE'RE IN 6TTH GRRAAADEEE... SHUT UPPPP. Elana came up to me  T H U R S D A Y and said straight u p "Brian made Elana cry because that's what gives him a b--er..... Can I kill them? Bro. SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELEIVED THEM. Anyways.

Hope you had a good week, and I hope this made you realize my school is really fucking stupid and full of drama and tea :> And almost every person is really shitty at telling rumours and people are idiots for beleiving that shit. Bye :)

Oh yeah, new chapter prob out sunday b y e

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