Part 1

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you are in the sheets flowing around your body as your mom take them off you and says               "hey Hun wake up its time for school"         you have never liked or did good in school but for some reason u dint just skip, you wanted to at least say u did something in life. 

you get up and just sit on your bed and question your life on why you even try to wake up your mom yells from the livening room.     "I'm making food if you want to eat"      you yell back            "ok let me get ready" you were for some reason happy about going to school.

 you get up for the first time of the day and just want to get back to bed but can't, so you go to the bathroom take the time to get your hair back to not looking like you haven't brushed it in years. your hair was so curry your whole life your mom says you go it from your dad.

after brushing your hair and teeth you go to your close in the floor and try to find something. you try to find a shirt that did not smell like weed or some type of drug and found one under all the trash u had.

you were falling into a pit of loneness as summer came and you stopped talking to everyone and just stayed on your phone and gave up on most things you really liked. so going to school was like find yourself, maybe someone will like you when you get there. it was the first day so why would people hate you anyway but 

u still got really scared. after getting ready you got all your stuff for school and meet your mom in the kitchen.    "Hey Hun, I made your favite food for you hope you like it" she Softy smiles and gives you your plat.     " Thanks mom, I really like it" you smile back to her. it 

seems to make her happy that u like it. as you eat all of it u give the plat to her and said thank you again. "So do u want me to take you to school or u want to ride the bus" your mom was very easy on you and never push her opinion, so she never did that stuff all the other kids did like take 

photos and take them to school if their kid did not want them too.  i don't know, u can take me today i will ride the bus this afternoon     "oh ok, you want to do this every day or do u want me to do this just today"   " just today thanks"   " yea I'm excide to" you and her go out the house and go to the car.

you sit next to her as you push the button to roll the window back up, so the wind does not mess-up your hair. she does the same. you look on your phone to see if there was something happening at the school like a welcoming party or something they used to do those, 

but they don't really do them any more sadly they were really fun. you put your phone away as the car ride was quiet and you and her were just looking at houses, cars and people walking by. you see a guy that's kind of nice looking, you look at him some more and see he looks the same age as you. 

u stop looking, too not stare at him and get to school you say bye to your mom and get your stuff and go. as in you the hallway u sees a man out at the office giving out paces of paper, so u go look at what he has he asked for your name you say "Alexs Ayala I'm new here"

 he goes to the teacher and says my name and the teacher looks at the computer and starts typing. after the teacher prints something and gives it to the student "Ok, I see you heres your classes times and locker # and code" he gives me the peace of paper and smiles he seems like a nice person.  I walk to find my locker to put some of this wight off my arms.

 locker 208 seems far from you, you look for the 200 then find 208. after looking hopeless you find it and a person next to yours at 209. you just go to your locker careless about who's next to you just as long as you can put stuff in your locker. as you put your stuff in the locker and just look at 209 to see who is next to you.

it is the guy you seen on the side walk you get flushed but u suck it up and go to class u pick you seat and see the teacher walk in and tell very one to hush. " Everyone hush there is something we need to talk about" 

he stands there and opens his arms like he is going to give us all hugs. " Welcome i cannot say this year is going to nice and chill year but i can say we will have fun days and bad ones and we all do, and we sometimes can't change it and that's ok. i will not 

give you a lot of work because I don't like to-do that much. so please if u have something to say or ask come to me. I hope u have a fun day today." he walks to the board and starts to wright " what today "now class I'm like a kid and I like to color, 

so that's what we are going to do. this will do one of those about me papers you do when your like in  3rd grade. "He smiles wide and ask a student to hand the papers out. "As all of you are doing that i will go over the rules" i can tell his class is going to be fun all year. i say in my head. " so, hi my name is Mr.tom i will be your science teacher so heres the rules. 

rule #1 you can move anywhere u want but if you are disorienting other students i will move you. rule #2 you can do anything you want as long you are not getting me or anyone else in trouble all of you are 15- and 14-year-old i want all of you to have fun and all . but you will have to make up for the work you have not done.

also, for work i will grade the work for a week on Friday if you want extra time you will have to tell me before the time of 12:00 by email or in person at school.  I get done with my paper and rise my hand and Mr.tom says yes to me i say 

"Where do u want me to put my paper." he points to a table and i go to it i put my paper on the table and sit back down. as class ends, he says he will have the one thing for this week. 


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