💚Chapter 12 : The Connection💚

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Y/n's P.O.V.

We were still laughing, even after minutes of saying so, calling Blaise a never-gonna-be-hot-bot~
And all of the sudden Draco said something, which sent shivers tinglin' down my spine, my heart beated faster than ever!

He said, "Don't you feel something
b/w us!?"...
It startled me, got me thinkin'~

"Uh- wdym?", I asked softly, still half of my mind was thinking of what he just did say~

"Uh- I- I'm sorry- I didn't mean to ask you what it sounded like~
I just meant, that don't you feel like a bitter yet a strong connection!? You and I hardly get along, but here we're-
Sitting and talking about stuff rather than snapping at each other?", he said, whatever he said did actually not ring in my mind~
I sorta felt that, he is right-
And I don't even know what the half of the words he said were...

"Isn't it!?", he asked, still feeling awkward about the meaning to the words he said...

"Yea- yeah~", I said, stuttering and then I smiled, automatically~

Author's P.O.V.

There was a thick tense air in the room-
Silence was screaming your guys' ears out-
And Draco decided to break the silence-

"Ah- ntg-
I'm feeling better, you sure you don't wanna go, join the party again!?
You didn't like it there!?", I asked~


Draco's P.O.V.

She asked me if I wanna join the party back, if I didn't enjoy it there-
It's true, I was enjoying it there~

But I don't wanna go back-
Something in my mind, stops me from doing so-

"Hello!?", Y/n said as she snapped her fingers right across my eyes-

"Yea- uh- yeah!?", I startled as she did so~

"What, you didn't like it back there?", she asked me..

"I actually loved it there, but I dont wanna go back down~", before I knew I was speaking all that-

"Uh- ok~", y/n tried to smile, but she clearly was confused...


Y/n's P.O.V.

"Hey- have you ever travelled in time!?", he asked outta nowhere...

"Yea, I did, why'd you ask?", I said...

"To future!?", he asked...

"I kinda wanna do so, but nope-
You can't do that using the thing I use to~", I said...

"What if I take you there!?", he said which actually stunned senses out of me-

"Uh- that would be amazing-
But how'd you do so?", I asked still stunned af-

"By a secret charm~", he said...

"It's not forbidden, right!?", I asked...

"Nope~", he said...

"Cool then, when are we goin'~", I asked gladly...

"How 'bout this upcoming Saturday?", he asked...

"Done~", I said as we smiled wide...


Stay tuned~

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