Chapter 2

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Adrien P.O.V.

"Come on plagg. Marinette needs us!" I said. I didn't notice plaggs worried expression as I said, "Plagg, Claws out!" My leather suit appeared on my body, turning me into my alter ego, chat noir.

I leaped out the window, and looked around for princess justice. She couldn't of gone that far.

Princess justice P.O.V.

The way my power worked, was when I saw anyone who has ever done something to me, even if they don't know it, I would point my sword in their direction, and a beam of light would explode out of it. If it hit them, they would freeze. I would have to announce what they did, if they did more then one thing I'd say them all, and then say what they deserve to happen to them. Then I would say, "Bring me Justice!"

I spotted alya running down the street. I pointed my sword at her, and the beam shot out at her. It hit her on the back, and she froze.

"You abandoned me when I needed you most. You will now feel lost and alone, with no way out." I said, "Bring me justice!" She unfroze. Her usually outgoing and cheerful self, became in a single second, quiet and sad.

"Marinette! That's your best friend! Why would you do that to her?" A voice asked. I turned around to see chat noir standing there.

"I'm giving justice to the world. Riding it from unfairness!" I told him, "this isn't justice, it revenge!" He said. This made me mad. I pointed my sword in his direction. I shot multiple beams. They all missed.

"Cataclysm!" He said. He came running towards me. I dodged his cataclysm just in time. His hand hit a street light. Now he only had 5 minutes until he transformed back.

Chat noir P.O.V.

Where are you ladybug? I don't think I'll be able to get away from her that easily. I looked at my ring. 4 minutes. I've determined that her akuma was in her sword. So I keep going for that.

3 minutes. I had to get away. "Princess justice! Over here!" Said a voice. "No! Over here!" Said another. It was the rest of the class! Even alya was there.

2 minutes. I used my stick to get me into the air, and I went into a random alley, just in time. I detransformed. I gave Plagg some pieces of cheese.

"If she won't listen to chat noir, maybe she'll listen to Adrien." I said. I ran out towards princess justice. "Marinette!" I yelled from behind her, "you don't have to do this! You can fight it!"

She turned towards me. "Trust me, I want to, but I can't." She said. She pointed the blade towards me, but I was to slow to move out of the way. I froze.

"Because of you, I feel a constant need to prove myself. You give me mixed signals. Sometimes you say that I'm just a friend, and others, you it's like you're leading me on. You make me too scared to tell you how I really feel. You make me scared of rejection. But all I've ever wanted was for you to be happy. So that's what I'll give you. Happiness. Even if it's without me." She said. "Bring me justice!"

I felt a weight lift off my chest. It felt like I could finally breath after holding my breath for a very long time. It seems that even under the influence of shadowmoth, she is still the selfless marinette that we all love.

She must really love me. How could I be so oblivious? Sometimes she even reminded me of ladybug. Speaking of which, how come she still isn't here?

"Go find your father and spend time with him." She said. I nodded and turned away. A perfect opportunity to transform again.

As soon as I knew she could no longer see me, I slipped into an alley and transformed. I rushed back over to her.

Marinette, I know your still in there. I know you can fight it. Just listen very closely to my voice. What you just did for that boy, was selfless, courageous, and nothing like a villain. You can deny shadowmoths powers. You just need to believe.

She calmed herself and looked into my eyes. She closed her eyes, and a burst of energy exploded out of her. She fell to the ground, but she was marinette again.

Marinette P.O.V.

I reached my hand to my ears. They were gone. Tikki was gone. I lost them because I wasn't strong enough. A tear ran down my cheek.

Everyone rushed to my side. So many apologies. None of which will cover up the fact that tikkis gone, and it's all my fault.

I covered my ears. I should be the one apologizing. I pushed through the crowd, and ran. I didn't know where I was running to, but I ran.

Broken (a miraculous fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant