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New York, 1994
A boy in a white shirt, with blue stripes, jeans, and a hazelnut brown bowl cut was walking down the streets with his father, a man with short brown hair, a green shirt, and jeans. They had just finished a grocery run, and also decided to spend some father son time together. "Hey, Matt? All this grocery shopping is making me hungry. Want a Hot Dog?" Matt's dad asked. "Yeah, dad." Matt replied, with a smile on his face. "Alright. But, first, can you put the groceries away? So I can get us both some sodas." Matt's father requested. Matt's face instantly lit up, as his father never let him have soft drinks. Matt can remember at least one or two times when he was allowed to have soda. But, he was always happy to drink it. "Of course, dad." Matt enthusiastically replied. Matt's dad opened the car door, as Matt unloaded the groceries into the car. "I'll be right back." Matt's dad ran over to the Hot Dog stand. However, as Matt was putting away the groceries, he had heard a car going pretty fast, and noticed an old man standing helpless in the street. "Aaaaaaaaah!!!" The old man shouted in fear. Matt ran over to push the old man out of the way, which resulted in the car halting to a dramatic stop, and knocking over barrels. The old man took some time to stand up, but managed to get back on his feet. Matt, however, had gotten a clear liquid substance in his eyes. "Agh!" Matt shouted, as he felt the burning sting of the liquid. It wasn't water, it was an unidentified radioactive substance. "Matt? Matt!" Matt's dad shouted, as he was terrified, and looking for his son. "Is that your kid?" The old man asked Matt's dad. "Yes." Matt's dad responded, in visible fear. "Your boy's an angel. He saved my life." The old man complimented, as he started to choke up. "Not only that. He also busted an illegal drug deal." A police officer added, as he arrested the people in the car. "Matt? Are you okay?" Matt's dad asked, as he held his son's head. "Dad? Is that you?" Matt asked, while coughing. "I need to know. Are you okay?" Matt's dad asked. "No. That liquid thing, it got in my eye, and it burns!" Matt grabbed his eyes, in an agony so painful, words couldn't possibly describe it. Matt's dad turned his head, and noticed the source of the liquid. "Matt! Stay still! I will get you to a hospital!" Matt's dad assured Matt, in fear. However, as Matt was looking at his father, his eyes started closing, and he could only see the color gray. "Dad? I can't see. I can't see!" Matt shouted. Matt's dad's eyes widened, as he couldn't believe his son was now blind. "I CAN'T SEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Matt started to cry in fear, and agony.
1 hour later
The hospital:
Matt was lying in a bed, as his father was sitting next to him, tapping his foot. Then, by surprise, the doctor walked in, carrying horrible news to tell both of them. "Mr. Murdock. The good news is that Matt's perfectly healthy." The doctor assured Mr. Murdock. His eyes widened with excitement. "However, he will be blind for the rest of his life." The doctor murdered every bit of excitement left in Mr. Murdock. Matt started to cry. "I'll leave you two be." The doctor left the room. "It's okay, Matt. We'll get through this. I promise." Mr. Murdock assured Matt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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