{Chapter 1}

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'Subhanallah' My life is gone. If I'm late, that's the end, I'm goners. 
I didn't sleep early yesterday. I was up all night watching action movies. Stupid.

I couldn't even enjoy my waffles. Being the boss of a company is hard, very hard. But whatever, I'll just get on with life. 

I kept on running not looking where I was going when my clumsy ass tripped on someone's foot.
"I'm so sorry, I-I really didn't mean to, I'm very sorry, here let me help you" I'm pretty sure I broke her ankle. 'Great going dumbass'

"It's perfectly fine, I-I'm used to the pain. But c-can you not bring your eyes up? I don't have a hijab."
Crap, she's a muslim. Please just pound my face into the mud.
"I can buy you one. Y'know, as a form of apology and because you need one" I still had my eyes cast down but could hear her sniffles. 'She's f*cking crying. Time for me to kill myself, I broke her leg'

"P-Please don't cry, I'm very sorry ok? I-I'll pay for the hospital bill for your leg."

"N-no it's just, it's been a long time since someone offered to help me. Th-thank you so much" I just nodded, my face still flushed and ran off to some random store and bought a 2 piece and the head scarf.

I was going to be so late though.


'You know what? f*ck being late, I'm taking her to the hospital. She looks dead'

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