6 //moving in\\ pt 2

6 1 0

TW: cussing

y/ns pov:

me and sam put my stuff in the trunk
we both got in the car
the way to the house was silent

we got to the house and went inside and sam immediately walked upstairs.

i sat on the couch beside aaron
and jake
"what's his problem?" jake asked
"to be honest i actually don't know" i actually did know he thinks i like colby..

"imma go ask him" aaron got up and went up the stairs


"so i'm glad you are moving in"

"same i kinda wanted to but after what sam told me i'm kinda scared"

"of what?" jake was confused and you could tell

"cameras on you at all times, hate, and just everyone knowing who you are" i said looking at jake

"oh, you have a point." he said looking at the wall infront of us"

i sighed got up and went upstairs

"dude." was the first word i heard

i continued walking until i heard where it was coming from

"you can't be serious, are you joking? please say you are!" i heard in colbys room from sam

i knocked on the door and heard colby say

"come in!" so i did

"y'all okay?" i asked

"i'm leaving, kat needs me anyway." he says walking past me, i could tell he's mad.
i walked into colbys room and saw aaron sitting on colbys bed

"what happened?"
colby and aaron looked at me than at eachother not knowing what to say

"uhm" Aaron was gonna say something but colby stopped him

"i'll tell her" colby said and aaron just left

he patted the bed gesturing for me to come sit next to him so i did

"so?" i asked

he didn't know what to say and you could just tell.
he looked all over his room but not anywhere near me

i sighed

"well if you aren't gonna say anything i'll ask aaron" i said getting up

"wait!" colby grabbed my wrist

"you like grabbing people's wrist"

i said turning towards him

"i-i don't know how to tell you" he kept stuttering

"tell me what?" i wanted an answer but i never got one.

"well maybe aaron can" i say getting up

"fuck it" i heard him whisper

"alright y/n i like you and i always have ever since you first met me and everyone else" he said

i froze

"was that what sam was yelling at you for..?" i asked

he nodded

"why does he care so much!" i yell running out of colbys room

i take my phone off the charger and jake just stares at me

i call sam immediately

"y/n!" colby yells coming down the stairs

jake goes back up the stairs not wanting any part of this.

"who are you calling?"

i completely ignore him

"don't call sam!"

i turn to him and hang up

"why? what is he gonna do?" i ask

"i don't want to ruin anything y/n definitely not me and his friendship" he says
"oh" i put my phone down

i sit on the couch
"i'm sorry y/n" he looks at me

"what are you sorry for?" he then looks at me

"look, we clearly can't be together if sam gets that upset just seeing us talk to eachother and i don't even know if i like you."

i got up and so did colby
he hugged me

"i'll always love you y/n" he said

i didn't know how to react i just pushed him off of me and left.


r.i.p colby lmao, just decided to end it here saying it was getting a little off topic -<3

(613 words)

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