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Next Morning, Kangta woke up as yawning. So many days later he sees the bright sun in Chilhyun's house. It's pretty good. Also today he'll going to propose Y/n and that's made him spirited. He doesn't know what she'll reply but he is a bit confident because he knows she likes him too.

Kangta went outside as he sees Jahir uncle working on the kitchen.

"Hey uncle what are you doing?"

"Oh Kangta you  woke up! Do you want to breakfast now... I'll serve you then.."

"No no uncle, I'll eat with everybody. "


Kangta looking everywhere. Then asked Jahir,

"Is Y/n come?"

"Early in this morning?"

"Uh I mean she supposed to come now."

"Ah she didn't come!"

"Okay then I'll going rooftop if she come then tell her to come to the roof."

Jahir nodded.

After few minutes Kangta was walking here and there on the rooftop waiting for Y/n . As he could hear someone's footsteps so he looks up and see it's Y/n.

He beams with joy as runs to her.

"You've come ,Y/n!" Kangta smiling to her

"Good morning, Kangta oppa." She smiled back

"Today I didn't come to my class instead came to meet you."  She added

"Ah sorry for wasting your time."

"Ofcourse meeting with you is a bless for me... So who wants to miss this blessings!?" Y/n frawns

Kangta Chuckles to hearing her.

"Now can you say me what you've to tell me?"

Kangta feels nervous and blush

"How to say?"

"What oppa?"

"Don't hesitate, just say !"
Y/n can't understand him .

"Y/n,...I "

Y/n staring at him carefully

"When I first met with you , it'd feel something different and  difficult to say that time. But when I feel it day by day it's really showing clear to me sequentially. I don't know how to express this feeling but I have not much time. I don't know when I will come here again. So it's my chance to tell you that. I know we are totally different but I just Only love you ....Will you accept my love, Y/n?"

Y/n just widened her eyes. She is feeling goosebumps. Kangta is her bias and she likes him a lot. It's really surprising news that Kangta love her. There should be no hesitation accepting his proposal but what now! She suddenly recalls Chilhyun's face in her mind. Today , in this moment she acknowledges that she has a deep feeling for Chilhyun and this is love. Man like Kangta proposing her, but her mind embargoes her to accept Kangta because she already lost her heart to Chilhyun and there's no heart left for Kangta in that way he wants to be. She likes Kangta as her bias and yes she really used to love him but after meeting with Chilhyun her mind is obsessed with him. Now she just sees Kangta as only her bias . But she feels regret that she has to refuse his love.

"What happened, Y/n? Why don'y you answering?" Kangta jostles her.

She backs in reality,

Meanwhile Chilhyun wakes up from sleep it's now half and hour . He was looking for Kangta so he asked Jahir

'Your Touch Awakened My Heart Again'[Kangta Fanfic][COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora