Chapter 13

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Riya was still asleep in a private room. The doctor injected strong pain killers that knocked her out for almost fourteen hours. The nurses were coming to check on her every four hours. There was so much noise coming from the hallway. The television was also on by the receptionist area. People talking and the television going on was starting to wake Riya up. She slowly opened her eyes but the lights was too bright. She closed her eyes immediately to ease the pain. She waited for a minute for the pain to go away. She tried for the second time. She slowly opened them, it was not as bright as the first time. She closed her eyes again to ease the little of the pain. Then she opened them again and the pain disappeared. 

She was looking at the white ceiling with a small bulb facing her. She looked to the right and saw two windows. It was still dark outside but the sky was slightly turning into dark blue. Then she looked to the left. There were medical equipment next to the bed. There was a side table next to her with a vase of water. Riya finished looking at the room. Her stomach was making noises. She held it so the noises could stop but that did not help. She was really hungry because she did not eat supper yesterday. She was more interested in saving Bingting from getting rape. Riya wondered how Bingting was feeling right now. She was getting really hungry. She tried to lift herself up but her lower back was aching. She was struggling to get up by herself but she did not give up. 

Two giant hands were on her shoulders. Riya looked to side. A man was right next to her. He pulled her up slowly and allowed her back to rest on the pillow. He made sure that she was sitting up right. Then he took a seat on the chair and sat right in front of her. Riya looked him for a moment. He looked really handsome with his fair skin and those wonderful manly features. Riya recognized him immediately.

" are the one who saved me last night.", she spoke and pointed her index finger at him.

"Yep. If I didn't come at the right time, you would have been dead by now. How are you feeling?", he asked. 

"My back is aching and I got barely feel my leg.", she was being honest. 

"The doctor did say that the pain will go away in twenty-four hours."

Riya nodded. "I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

"Wang Liang.", he answered. 

"I'm Riya Moodley. Nice to meet you.", she offered him a handshake.

He accepted her handshake. "Nice to meet you too."

Riya could feel the strength by just holding his hand. She released her hand from his. "So, you are the owner of The Lotus Flower Hotel.", she started having a conversation. 

"Yes.", he lifted his arms in the air and placed them on the back of his head. 

"Wow, your arms look big and strong.", she randomly said that. 

"I train five days a week and I eat healthily. I heard you had a rough day yesterday." 

Riya nodded. "Yeah, it's all about becoming a businesswoman. Michael told me yesterday that I mustn't bother about becoming one.", she said while looking at her fingers. 

Liang released his hands from his head. "You shouldn't worry about what he said. If you want to become a businesswoman then do it. Don't allow all his comments make you stop from achieving your goals."

"I know but I'm tired of getting those comments. I went through so much in the make-up industry. Now I'm worried about the contract.", she remembered that contract. She looked at Liang with some fear. "I need to go.", she was about to get up but Liang stopped her.

"No you don't.", he held her shoulders. 

"But I need to go through the contract and signing before I get into so much shit."

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