Start of the Apocalypse

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The television was playing in the living rooms in one of the many suburban houses. Almost everyone had their television playing as they watched as this virus had slowly taken a hold of the world. No one knew what was happening. The scientists had no clue and people kept dying and the numbers of whatever came back was increasing rapidly. The government wasn't putting out information as fast as they were getting it, but they were getting nothing as well.

Some of the families were packing their bags and moving somewhere that could be better, maybe going on a camping trip until the government figures it all out, like everyone thinks they are supposed to. The decision between leaving and staying was something that had troubled a lot of couples. This decision was being discussed between the two parents in the MartÍnez household.

Caesar MartÍnez and his wife, Camila MartÍnez were in the kitchen, with the soft murmur of whatever was pulled up on the television in the living room. Caesar was washing the dishes as his wife was making dinner. "Listen, it is not going to get any safer cariño (honey)," Caesar said, rinsing off the last dish and setting it in their drying rack. He moved so that his lower back was pressed against the counter and then spread his feet wider apart, so that he was using the counter to stand. "Look I know it is safe here, for now, but you hear it, they cannot get it contained, it is getting deadlier day by day and it would be so much easier to pack up our gear and get out, I can keep you all safe, but I can't guarantee that for much longer." (I hope this makes since - Author)

"No me estás escuchando (You aren't listening to me), maybe we can just ride it out for a couple of days, see if they get it contained, wait for papá to get here with mamá, it would be easier for us. Not packing up the kids right now, and just leaving nuestra familia behind, I am not ready for that," Camila said stirring the soup she was making for supper. The stirring of the wooden spoon in the pot was what was heard for a couple of seconds, before she spoke up again. "Mira (Look), let's ride it out, we have three kids, and they need to be safe, but right now it would be easier to stay, especially when the roads are flooded with people either getting out or going to Disney World."

"I love my papa and mamá, but you all are more important to me, you're mi familia, you all are the number one priority. Papá would tell us to go if he were here, he would understand," Caesar said drying his hands off with the towel. He held it with both of his hands and looked at her. "Te estoy escuchando (I am listening to you), I get you are scared. I understand that, but it is safer for the kids, rather than being held up in this house trying to scavenge for food, when we can go in the woods, hunt for our food. It would be easier like that, the only one who doesn't know how to hunt is you cariño (honey). We can make it out there, but not here."

"¡Niños bajen! La cena está lista (Kids come down, dinner is ready), we'll discuss this later tonight querido (dear)," Camila said, heading over to the cabinet and grabbing some bowls. She put soup in 5 of the bowls and placed them on the counter for the kids to grab.

"Mamá ¿Qué es esto?" Daniela, the youngest, asked, glancing at the bowl. She grabbed the bowl and sniffed it immediately, responding with a disgusted face. "Smells like mierda."

"Maní (Peanut), no cursing, it's soup, go eat, it tastes better than it smells, I promise," Caesar said gently patting her back before pointing to the table. "Go eat, then go upstairs and play with your brother. Juanito ¡bajar aquí! (Juan, get down here!)."

Juan came into the kitchen and looked at the food that was on the counter. "Soup, gracias mamá, Let's go eat Dani," Juan said after grabbing the bowl. He gently placed his hand on her back and nudged her forward a bit. Daniela walked to the table in the dining room that was connected to the kitchen. She sat down in her usual spot, which faced the kitchen with her back to the living room, and then she began eating her soup. Her face had turned into one of disgust again, though she continued to eat it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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