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Also I want to let you know the pictures have nothing to do with the Story line they are just pictures that I like 😂😄 Back to the book I hope you enjoy!!!

Iwazumi's Pov

I was leaving volleyball practice with Oikawa when a girl ran up to me, and I was confused thinking that she was another one of his fans when she came up to us with a blushing face.

"Uh-Um Iwazumi-senpai may I talk to you in private?" She asked and I rose my eyebrow perplexed on why she had wanted to talk to me.

"Uh sure? Shittykawa go on ahead." I said with my monotone voice in which he started to mutter under his breath. And started to walk on head.

We started to walk a little ways so that Oikawa wouldn't hear what was being discussed. We had made it past another part of the school when I stopped and she turned around to face me.

"Well is there something I can help you with?" I asked and her faced blushed horribly.

"Well I was wondering if you like to go out with m-me Senpai?" She asked and this caught me off guard in what she was asking because Oikawa had his fan girls. And I thought that this was the scheme of a life time so of course I said. "No" and she looked at me not with sadness.

"I know that you would've said no, but that's probably because you have the fear that people who have feelings for you is actually only getting closer to you to get closer to Oikawa I see, but Iwazumi what will happen when your in college and thats not an option will you still have those walls up?" She asked and I started having a different feeling inside of me that felt foreign to me.

I looked down ashamed that this is the paranoia that Oikawa had left with me, but we've been best friends since childhood so I really don't know what to think at the time.

I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "You know you're a different breed." A small smile coming onto my face, and then I stood there for a second before sighing and putting my arm back at my side.

"Okay I'll go out with you." I said as my final statement and smiled a little bit and I saw joy in her eyes as she jumped a little.

"OMG REALLY!?" I nodded and she jumped at me with a hug, and I hugged her back. 

"Well okay I have to get going now, but I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I said and she nodded and put a couple strands of hair behind her ear and nodded.

We exchanged numbers, and started walking our separate ways I walked all the way to my house and I smiled when I got there, and laid on my bed when all of a sudden I got a text from Oikawa


"Hey so what was all the talk about?"


"The girl asked me out that's all"




"OMG SHUT UP I CAN HEAR YOU SCREAMING THROUGH THE PHONE!! And I said yes to going out with her for your information"

I stopped at that and turned off my phone, and went back to thinking that I just got into a relationship, and a smile on my face appeared.

Oikawa's Pov

Nononono he said yes! He's going out with her!! She is going to break his heart!!! I know it dam it!! I Love Him!! I thought to myself as I switched over to another contact to vent about this.

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