Being realistic

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Being realistic is the best one can be
Being realistic doesn't mean everything should be said at once
It's just acknowledging the current situation
You can be positive and realistic at the same time
You just have to be realistic first
Then be hopeful that the nearest future is better
Being realistic though doesn't mean you always have to put it exactly as it is
Some times, say it in a more subtle way
Based on my experience
Some people who have been so depressed that wanted to kill themselves couldn't be stopped
They were too far
And depressed people at some point
Don't want to listen to positive statements like
"It'll be alright", "It is well", or even "One day, it'll get better"
Because they want to be out of pain at that moment
They're only feeling and seeing pain
They can't see the positive future
And before I should have gotten there
It would have been too late
So what did I do?
I said "I love you and thank you for being in my life. You've impacted the life of everyone you have come across and they know it. Either through your hugs, smiles... I'll miss you if you take that decision. In all, I love you."
Not to everyone of them though
Don't be quick to copy my words and paste
I was just being honest and letting them know on how I felt about them and if they decided to take that decision, I was too far to get there early but I love them
This doesn't mean one shouldn't rush to the aid of those who want to end their lives before the actual time
Honesty pays a lot of times
Be honest with yourself
And be realistic
Whatever is meant to be will be
No matter what
🎶 If it's meant to be
It will be
It will be
Baby just...

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