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i remember the day tony was sent away. delinquent. that's what valentina called him. there was a period of mourning throughout our corner of manhattan. not that anyone knew the kid personally, but all the mothers wept because of the possibility of that happening to their son, and the fathers felt a sense of guilt because that's what would become of their sons if they didn't stick around. my father laid into our home, said "if you ever think about running around with one of those boys, boys who fight and kill for fun, you aren't welcome back in my home." of course i took what he said seriously, i don't have a dollar to my name, and to give myself a little credit, i thought my standards would be a little higher than that.
the boy was gone. there was no changing that. we had to go on because time is money and we didn't have the money to stop that. i continued to show up to help valentina stock shelves and run the pop fountain and sell prescriptions. she was old and withering; she'd be the last to tell you that. valentina would pay me $8 and hour and that was enough to help my parents pay for night classes at the local community college. i was studying to be a school teacher. it's what my mother did, and i didn't have any greater plans to go on and do much else. when i was a little girl i entertained the fantasy of being a broadway actress, or being in movies. every little girl dreamt of that. reality and doubt comes in rather quickly, especially when you see where people in our neighborhood usually end up. i'm lucky to graduate college and find a job.
it was june. it was hot. tony was supposed to return from the state penitentiary today. at least once a month a bus from the prison will come by a couple blocks down from docs drug store and drop off the inmates who are newly released. i remember my friend louisa recalling how handsome she recalled tony to be.

"you know tony is set to come back on tuesday, mar? it seems like that boy died years ago, but ya know, tony is home already. i was talking to paul and he said that riff is already planning to get him to lead the jets again once he's settled in. those boys are just crazy and if they don't settle down, more of them are gonna end up dead-"

louisa just seemed to drone on and on. on her lunch break she would come down to docs and i'd sneak her a pop and she would just blabber whatever she wanted. she usually stuck to talking about her boyfriend paul. he was a jet, and he would tell her all the "insider" details about their doings, which she would then relay to me. she liked to think that i cared, but i know deep down she knows that i want nothing to do with the stupid gangs. i have a life to live, and i wish she'd find one of her own, and stop clinging on to lowlife men.
that's where we both found ourselves today at docs. it was 12:45 on the dot and louisa and i sat at the counter talking about her beauty school plans. valentina was away picking up her laundry from the laundromat a few blocks down so i knew i could spot about 20 minutes with louisa. i was this close to falling asleep during louisa's spiel when the door jingled. i look up at louisa's face first. her eyes go wide. she immediately jabs me in the knee, and i direct my eyes to the mirror in the back of the store which gives a clear view of whoever walks into the store.
there he was. the delinquent.
"is doc here? i was told that there was help to be had here, and i could use a job. would he happen to be in the back?-"

tony began to walk timidly to the back when i hop down off my barstool and slowly approach the tall boy.

"doc passed about 5 or 6 months ago. it's just valentina now. and me. we don't need no help. we're fine here. you can go-"

as soon as i started talking i saw valentina walk in behind tony. he was almost blocking my view of her, but i heard the door jingle like it had before.

"who's this?" valentina gestures.

i walk past tony up to valentina. "oh this is just to-"

"i'm tony. i don't think we'd met before." tony interrupts me and flashes a bright smile to valentina. he walks up to us two and offers his hand to allow her to shake.

she does, rather timidly, and valentina gives me her basket of laundry. i knew that whenever valentina gave me a basket of laundry that usually meant she wanted me to go and hang it out the back. i looked at the two unsurely, and began to slowly walk towards the back door. as i traveled back i nodded my head at louisa as to tell her to get out before valentina would yell at her again for taking free drinks. louisa sauntered out, but not without a slight loving grimace from the aging store runner.

"anyways i don't know what you've heard about me, but i'm tony. i was locked up in state penitentiary for a year. i done bad. real bad. and i know. but i want to change. i'm willing to change, but i need a job. and a place to stay. if you'd be willing to give me something, anything, i'm willing. i'll be of no trouble, and i'll be nothing but kind to the other pretty lady you got working here-"

and with that i shut the back door. i couldn't read that tony completely. i wanted to feel that he was being genuine. but i can't tell. maybe he means it. for some reason, i really hope he does.

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